Call for papers








Abstract Deadline: 10 April 2005

23rd AIAA ICSSC: New Horizons - New Directions

A significant increase in commercial communications satellite orders appears to signal the end of the industry downturn of the past few years.
Satellite Digital Radio Broadcasting systems appear to be following on the footsteps of the extraordinarily successful Satellite Digital Television Broadcasting.
New services such as Ka-broadband service to the home, interactive satellite television broadcast, entertainment and Internet services to business and commercial aircraft, and S-band direct audio and video broadcasting from satellites to handheld terminals are already in their initial deployment phases; and L-band broadband services to mobiles will soon be a reality.
Satellite navigators are becoming ubiquitous in private automobiles in many developed nations, and this phenomenon is spreading as well to many developing countries.

In the public civil sector, combined navigation and communication services are being considered for inclusion in the European Galileo navigation system. NASA, as well as other space agencies, is considering the development of dedicated data relay satellites to be put into orbit around other planets in the solar system, to relay scientific data back to earth from robotic landers on the surface.

The large-scale terrorist attacks in New York and Madrid have focused the need for higher capacity and more integrated communications systems and information databases to provide real-time intelligence and surveillance information for domestic security and border control.
New demands have also been placed on our military infrastructure to update and integrate heritage and new communications systems to collect vastly increased volumes of data from sources such as unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and distributed sensors, process this data and provide it to the warfighter in an integrated, user oriented format with minimum delay.
The modern digital battlefields require integrated communications using common protocols to support interoperability, and independence of the physical transport media for enhanced reliability.
In this new world, communications satellites provide unique advantages in terms of their survivability, wide coverage and deployment to rapidly support new theaters as needed.

Objective of the Conference

The objective of the Conference is to provide an in depth exploration of the economic, marketing, technical and regulatory issues affecting these new and planned services.
Papers are solicited in the following areas:

· New mobile services
· New broadband services
· New navigation services
· Integration and interoperability of systems
· Communications protocols and networks
· Advances in satellite architecture
· Advances in satellite components
· Advances in Earth terminals
· Propagation and mitigation techniques
· Economic and marketing aspects
· Regulatory issues
· New broadcast services
· New fixed-satellite services
· New data relay services
· Integrated services for disaster relief
· Interactivity via satellite
· Domestic security applications and architectures
· Military applications and architectures
· Advances in payload subsystems
· User applications

The 2005 Joint Conference will have a single registration fee that will provide access to both Conferences and all joint Plenary and Social events. The technical programs of the ICSSC and the Ka and Broadband Communications Conference, however, will be separately organized.
All papers will be published on the Joint Conference web site accessible only to registrants, and on a CD-ROM that will be provided to all registrants. Papers submitted to the Ka and Broadband Communications Conference will, in addition, be published in the form of hard-copy Proceedings that will be distributed to all registrants.

The working language of the Joint Conference will be English. For more details on the Joint Conference visit the IIC web site at

Preparation and submission of abstracts

Authors are invited to submit one-page abstracts by the due date listed below. Abstracts must include the title, the author's name, affiliation, full postal address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address and indicate the lead author. For a fast, accurate submission, we highly recommend that you have your abstract converted into a PDF file prior to submission.
If this is not possible, Microsoft Word® for Windows® format is acceptable. Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the IIC web site at by following the links for the appropriate conference.

Abstracts and papers should be submitted only to one of the conferences. The organizers reserve the right to reassign any paper from one conference to the other if the paper is judged to be more suitable for the alternate venue.

After the author is notified of acceptance of the abstract, full draft manuscript submissions for the conference will be accepted electronically through the Joint Conference Web site at
For a fast, accurate submission, we highly recommend that you have your paper converted into a PDF file prior to submission. If this is not possible, Microsoft Word® for Windows® format is acceptable.
Paper selection for this conference will be based on a full draft manuscript of the proposed technical paper.

Authors are responsible for procuring any necessary sponsor, employer and/or government approvals of any abstract or paper with sufficient time to avoid last-minute withdrawal of the paper.

Special Instructions for ICSSC Authors

AIAA will not consider for presentation or publication any paper that has been published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submittal of an abstract is interpreted by AIAA as an intention of the author to attend the conference and to present the final paper. Videotaped presentations by other than one of the indicated authors of a paper are not acceptable.

Authors will be required to sign the standard AIAA Copyright Clearance and Assignment form (Copyright Form B, C or D - Form A is not recommended as it may conflict with the Copyright Assignment Addendum) plus an addendum licensing the IIC to publish the paper in the Joint Conference web site and CD-ROM.

Completed forms should be faxed to:

c/o Ed Elizondo
Fax number +1-954-283-8580

Please be sure to indicate the paper number / tracking number on the form.

The AIAA "no-paper, no podium" rule will be in effect and enforced by the organizers of the conference. No author will be permitted to make a presentation at this conference if a final copy-ready paper and clearance forms have not been received at the Conference web site by the deadline listed below.

Authors are also encouraged to also submit their ICSSC papers to the new on-line AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication.
The JACIC submissions can be done online at:

General inquiries relating to the ICSSC technical program should be directed to the conference Technical Program Chair:

Jorgen Sandberg
PO Box 299
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-71-565-3681
Fax: +31-71-565-6691

Special Instructions for Ka and Broadband Conference Authors

Papers for the Ka and Broadband Conference are restricted to 8 pages.
General inquiries relating to the Ka and Broadband technical program or conference details should be directed to the Secretariat of the IIC:

Clotilde Canepa Fertini
IICIstituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni
Via PertinaceVilla Piaggio
16125 GENOVA, Italy
+39-010-2722383 " +39-010-2722183 FAX

Important Dates

10 April 2005 - Abstracts due via e-mail.
30 April 2005 - Lead author will be notified of acceptance of the paper via e-mail.
30 June 2005 - Upload of draft manuscripts to website due.
30 July 2005 - Upload of final copy-ready papers to website due.