Sunday , September 25
9:00-10:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session COL1 'Colloquium: Future Directions for Satellite Communications - Challenges 1' -
Moderated by M. BOUSQUET, SUPAERO, France
Colloquium Introduction
Future Satellite Communications Visions
Barry G. Evans, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Technology Trends & Research Needs
Oscar Del Rio Herrera, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands
Role & Status of Standards
Harald Skinnemoen, ANSUR, Norway
Regulatory Issues
Francois Rancy, Agence Nationale des Fréquences, France
11:00-12:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session COL2 'Colloquium: Future Directions for Satellite Communications - Challenges 2'
Moderated by M. BOUSQUET, SUPAERO, France
Markets Perspectives
Pacome Revillon, Euroconsult, France
PFI/PPP: A New and Innovative Approach for Financing Space Projects
Jean-Francois Gambart, EADS Space Services, France
Japan Views on Future Directions
Yoshiaki Suzuki, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
12:00-13:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session COL3 'Colloquium: Future Directions for Satellite Communications - Dual Use and Military Communications' -
Moderated by D. LEBOULCHCNES, France
An Example of Dual Use System Architecture in Ka-band
Didier LeBoulch, CNES, France
One-stop-Shop Service Provision for Secure Communications Service
Paul Millington, Paradigm Secure Communications, United Kingdom
XSTAR: Evolution of an X-Band Commercial Communications Satellite System
Denis J. Curtin, XTAR LLC., USA
14:00-16:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session COL4 'Colloquium: Future Directions for Satellite Communications - Broadband Applications'
Moderated by S. KOTA, Harris Corporation, USA
Satellite Networks for Multimedia: QoS Considerations
Sastri Kota, Harris Corp., USA
The SatLabs Initiative: Leading the DVB-RCS Standard to Success
Xavier Lobao, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands
SATLYNX Broadband Services via Satellite
Paul Heinerscheid, SATLYNX, Luxembourg
Twister: A Widespread European Deployment of (Sat + WiFi) Services
Bernard Laurent, EADS Astrium, France
The IPSTAR System Challenges
Paiboon Panuwattanawong, Shin Satellite Public Company Ltd., Thailand
16:30-18:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session COL5 'Colloquium: Future Directions for Satellite Communications - Mobile Applications'
Moderated by G. E. CORAZZA, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy
Digital Multimedia Broadcasting: the Emerging Opportunity
Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy
Evolution of Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
Robert David Briskman, Sirius Satellite Radio, USA
Convergence of Satellite and Cellular Technologies for Efficient Mobile Broadcast Service Delivery
Nicolas Chuberre, Alcatel Alenia Space, France
Satellite DMB System and Service in Korea
Ho-Jin Lee, ETRI, South Korea
Broadband Mobile Services: from Telecommunications to Broadcasting
Antonio Arcidiacono, Eutelsat, France
Round Table Discussions and Colloquium Wrap-up
Michel Bousquet, SUPAERO, France
Monday, September 26
9:00-10:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session OPEN: Welcome and Opening Ceremony
Welcome Speeches:
- Frank Gargione, 11th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference General Chair,
Satellite Systems Consultant, USA
- Thomas Butash, ICSSC-2005 General Chair, BAE Systems, USA
- Enrico Saggese, 2005 Joint Conference Executive Chair, Finmeccanica, Italy
- Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, Chairman and CEO , Finmeccanica, Italy
- Hon. Walter Veltroni, Major of Rome, Italy
- Hon. Piero Marrazzo, President of the Region of Lazio, Italy
- Hon. Mario Landolfi, Minister of Communications, Italy
11:00-13:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session PLEN: Joint Plenary Session
Moderated by E. SAGGESE, Finmeccanica, Italy
Rick Fleeter,
CEO, AeroAstro, USA
Gen. Pietro Finocchio,
Director General, TELEDIFE, Ministry of Defense, Italy
Saverio Strati,
CEO, Avio, Italy
Fabio Pistella,
President, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy
Giuseppe Veredice,
CEO, Telespazio, Italy
Sergio Vetrella,
President, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Italy
Giuseppe Viriglio,
European Program Director General, European Space Agency (ESA), France
Akiho Yamahura,
Director General, Spatial Unit, Mitsubishi Corp., Japan
15:00-17:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA1: Mobile Broadband Services
Chaired by F. VATALARO, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Broadband Connectivity to Aircraft and Passengers - a Progress Report
M. de La Chapelle, Connexion by Boeing, USA
Satellite Link Extension in Railway Tunnels: System Design and Modulation Techniques Analysis
P. Conforto, A. Miglietta, G. Losquadro, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
Improved Multi Service Traffic Modelling and Satellite System Dimensioning for Collectively Mobile User Groups
M. Holzbock, O. Lücke, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany
The United States Department of Defense and Ka-band: Can a Relationship Re-emerge?
J. A. Mazzei, The Aerospace Corp., USA, S. Mittal, Defense Information Systems Agency, USA
A Best Practice Model for Deploying Wi-Fi On-Board
M. Le Saux, C. Dubuc, PointShot Wireless, Canada
The Business Case for Aeronautical InFlight Telecom Services
M. De Sanctis, Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA, Italy, M. Werner, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany, P. Febvre, Inmarsat, United Kingdom, F. Y. Hu, University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Satcom-On-The-Move Broadband Mobile Satellite Terminals in Ku-Band and Ka-Band Operation
T. Shroyer, General Dynamics C4 Systems, USA
15:00-17:00 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session PAN1 'Panel 1: The Impact of HDTV Transmission on the Satellite Industry'
Moderated by R. RUSCH, TelAstra Inc., USA
Laurent Valignon, Vice President, AON Explorer, France
Thomas Wrede, Vice President Product Management, SES ASTRA, Luxembourg
David M. Brown, Director Business Development, Lockheed Martin Corp., USA
Olivier Coste, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Business Development, Alcatel Alenia Space, France
15:00-17:00 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session MOD1 'Modulation and Coding 1'
Chaired by A. DUVERDIER, CNES, France and F. DE POLI, Stellar Solutions Aerospace, Italy
Simple Regenerative Repeating Process for Broadband Communication Satellite
T. Yamazato, Nagoya University, Japan, A. Ogawa, Meijo University, Japan
Prediction of QoS in Mobile Satellite Systems Using FEC and Interleavers
A. Heuberger, M. Breiling, Fraunhofer-Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Germany
Integrated Packet Level FEC Coding for Bulk Data Transfer over Satellite Networks
G. Akkor, J. S. Baras, M. Hadjitheodosiou, University of Maryland at College Park, USA
On 2-D Reed-Solomon Packet-Level FEC and Its Use in SDMB
M. Chipeta, L. Fan, B. G. Evans, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, M. Karaliopoulos, Teltel SA, Greece
15:00-17:00 - Room Pio XII
Session PSYS1 'Payload Systems 1'
Chaired by F. COROMINA, ESA, The Netherlands and S. TAYLOR, EADS Astrium, United Kingdom
Future Trends in On-Board Payload Subsystems: a Systemic View-point
P. Angeletti , European Space Agency, The Netherlands, M. Lisi, Telespazio SpA, Italy
BEAM*LINK® Processors for Communication Satellites – ANIK F2 Application
A. Malarky, G. Healy, COM DEV Ltd., Canada, J. King, Communications Research Centre Canada, Canada
Advances Payload For Multibeam Satellites that Support Highdate Rate Broadband Global Area Network
M. J. Mallison, R. K. Gill, S.A. Curtis, R. S. Manku, EADS Astrium, United Kingdom
Next Generation Communications Payload Systems Overview
L. Dayaratna, P. Rawicz, L. Ramos, R. McCann, M. Marchi, Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems, USA
15:00-17:00 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session MIL1 'Military Satellite Communications 1'
Chaired by N. KARABUDAK, Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA and T. BUTASH, BAE Systems, USA
Transforming Sitcom Bent-Pipes to Mitigate Jamming
L. Yen, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, USA
The XTAR System
D. J. Curtin, C. Westerhoff, XTAR, LLC, USA
REMUS a New Communication System to Support European Military and Homeland Security Mission
B. Troy, C. Michel, B. Chene, EADS Astrium SAS, France
Advances in Bandwidth Management
A. H. Rana, Arrowhead Global Solutions, USA
15:00-17:00 - Room Torlonia
Session NET1 'Network and Resource Management 1'
Chaired by S. KIMURA, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan and
S. COMBES, Alcatel Space, France
MAC and Encapsulation Efficiency of Satellite DVB using Fade Mitigation Techniques
O. Lücke, A. Jahn, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany, R. Schweikert, T. Wörz, Audens ACT GmbH, Germany, R. Rinaldo, ESA, The Netherlands
Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha Plus Demand Assignment (CRDSA-DA): an Enhanced MAC Protocol for Satellite Access Packet Networks
O. Del Rio Herrero, E. Casini, R. De Gaudenzi, ESA, The Netherlands
Programmable Active Networking supporting Next Generation Multimedia Services in Satellite Networks
W. Fritsche, K. Mayer, IABG, Germany, P. Kirstein, S. Bhatti, L. Sacks, S. Zachariadis, UCL, United Kingdom
Satellite Network Transport Architecture (SaNTA)
E. Kristiansen, European Space Agency, The Netherlands, A. Nuñes, Skysoft Portugal, J. Brazio,
A. Zúquete, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
15:00-17:00 - Room Pio XI
Session ISL1 'Intersatellite Links 1'
Chaired by B. LAURENT, EADS Astrium, France and J. GAYRAD, Alcatel Space, France
Optical Inter-Satellite Links for SkyLAN Clusters of Broadband Communications satellites
J-D. Gayrard, Alcatel Space, France, G. Baister, Contraves Space AG, Switzerland, M. Molina Cobos, GMV SA, Spain, A. Cotellessa, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands
Study on UWB for Inter-satellite Links in Formation Flying-ICSSC-new
Xu H., Wu S.-Q, Univercity of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China (PRC)
In-Orbit Verification of Laser Communication Terminals
R. Lange, B. Smutny, Tesat-Spacecom, Germany
A Ring-Based Layered Space Communication Infrastructure
L. Shi, S-W. Lu, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (PRC)
17:30-19:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA2: Ground Systems
Chaired by R. GEDNEY, Efficient Channel Coding, USA
A Reflector Antenna for Operation in Rain at mm-Wavelengths
M. Kharadly, T. Street, R. Ross, University of British Columbia, Canada
ESA's Roadmap to Ka-Band Support for Space Research Missions - the Smart-1 Experience
M. Lanucara, E. Vassallo, R. Maddé, European Space Agency, Germany
Low Profile Antenna Products for Rail and Aeronautical Satcom
M. W. Shelley, J. Vazquez, ERA Technology Ltd., United Kingdom
Ka-Band Mobile Terminal
M. Barakat, S. Sharma, G. Bistyak, L. Shafai, F. Franczyk, InfoMagnetics Technologies Corp., Canada
The Software Radio-Based L*IP Satellite Gateway
M. Schmidt, O. Koudelka, J. Ebert, H. Schlemmer, S. Kastner, W. Taschner, TU Graz, Austria, W. Gappmair, W. Kogler, Joanneum Research, IAST, Austria
Development of a Ka Band Transportable IOT System for the Anik F2 ka Band Payload
K. Skublics, H. Doepner, Telesat Canada, Canada
Definition of a Hierarchical Network Management Architecture for a Multi Sub-Network SkyPlexNet System
S. Buratti, G. Tomasicchio, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
17:30-19:30 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session PAN2 'Panel 2: Steps that Satellite Manufacturing Industry can take to Improve Satellite Reliability'
Moderated by R. RUSCH, TelAstra Inc., USA
Chris Hoeber, Sr. Vice President, Program Management & Systems Engineering, Space Systems/Loral, USA
Jonathan F. Binkley, Aerospace Corporation, USA
David Todd, Airclaims, United Kingdom
Jean-Francois Charrier, Head of Marketing, Telecommunication Satellites Sales and Marketing, EADS Astrium, France
Olivier Coste, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Business Development, Alcatel Alenia Space, France
Xavier Lacombe, AON Explorer, France
Martin Halliwell, Chief Technology Officer, SES ASTRA, Luxembourg
Barry Noakes, Chief Technical Officer, Commercial Space Systems, Lockheed Martin Corp., USA
17:30-19:30 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session MOD2 'Modulation and Coding 2'
Chaired by T. YAMAZATO, Nagoya University, Japan and L. ERUP, EMS Technologies Canada Ltd., Canada
Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for the Transport Layer of Satellite Broadcast
C. Di, H. Ernst, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany, E. Paolini, S. Coletto,
M. Chiani, University of Bologna, Italy
Max/max* Operation Replacement to Improve the DVB-RCS Turbo Decoder
S. Papaharalabos, P. Sweeney, B. G. Evans, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Packet Layer FEC for SDMB Services
R. Firrincieli, G. Albertazzi, G. E. Corazza, A. Vanelli-Coralli, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy
Interferences and Performances of New Communications Satellite Systems
X. Deplancq, F. Cornet, F. Lacoste, A. Duverdier, CNES, France
17:30-19:30 - Room Pio XII
Session PSYS2 'Payload Systems 2'
Chaired by F. COROMINA, ESA, The Netherlands and S. TAYLOR, EADS Astrium, United Kingdom
Interactive Service Validation trials with SkyPlexNet/HB6 network system
G.Pastore , R.Winkler, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
Ka Band Transponder Experiment (KaTE) On-Board the SMART-1 Spacecraft. First year in-orbit results
P. McManamon, European Space Agency, The Netherlands
17:30-19:30 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session MIL2 'Military Satellite Communications 2'
Chaired by N. KARABUDAK, Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA and T. BUTASH, BAE Systems, USA
DoD SATCOM IP Modem Standard
A. C. Bartko, Defense Information Systems Agency, USA, P. Chitre, ViaSat, USA, R. Gedney, Efficient Channel Coding, USA
Benefits of Satellite Based Services to Network Centric Operations
C. Michel, B. Troy, B. Laurent, EADS Astrium SAS, France
17:30-19:30 - Room Orsini
Session NET2 'Network and Resource Management 2'
Chaired by S. KIMURA, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan and
S. COMBES, Alcatel Space, France
Routing Techniques for Ad-hoc Space Networks
M. Berioli, L. Rosati, DLR, Germany, G. Reali, University of Perugia, Italy
Priority-based Adaptive Shortest Path Routing for IP over LEO Satellite Networks
Ö. Korçak, F. Alagöz, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
A MAC Scheduling Mechanism in SkyplexNet Satellite Networks
G. Ciccarese, M. De Blasi, C. Palazzo, L. Patrono, University of Lecce, Italy,
G. Tomasicchio, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
DOCSIS Over Satellite at Ka Band
R. A. Wilson, ViaSat, Inc., USA
17:30-19:30 - Room Pio XI
Session DRL1 'Data Relay'
Chaired by J. GAYRARD, Alcatel Space, France and B. LAURENT, EADS Astrium, France
A Proposed Data Relay Infrastructure in Europe After Artemis in Orbit Validation
B. Chene, C. Michel, B. Laurent, EADS Astrium, France
Autonomy of the Second Generation Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) Its Implications on users’ spacecraft and operations
M. Toral, R. Zaleski, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA, C. A. Bénet, Orbital Sciences Corporation, USA, D. Bender, M. Romanoski, Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems, USA, M. Antholzner, D. Perry, White Sands Complex, USA
Dynamic Resource Allocation for an IP-based Communications Network Supporting Space Exploration
H. Zeng, M. Hadjitheodosiou, J. Baras, University of Maryland, USA
Integrated RF-Optical TT&C Subsystems for Missions to Mars and to Libration Points
T. Dreischer, K. Kudielka, T. Weigel, G. Baister, Contraves Space AG, Switzerland
Tuesday, September 27
9:00-10:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA3: Satellite Architectures 1
Chaired by W. T. BRANDON, Harris Corp., USA
A KaBand Satellite System for Homeland Security
W. T. Brandon, Harris Corp., USA
Performance Analysis and Simulation of Different Frequency Reuse Schemes for Indian Multibeam Ka-Band Satellite
J. Shah, K. Karthikeyan, A. K. Sisodia, V. K. Garg, Indian Space Research Organization, India
Integration and Sharing of Data Between Disparate Enterprise Architecture Models
E. Bonilla, M. M. Gordon, M. J. Law, M. P. Schiedt, Northrop Grumman, USA, R. P. Williams, TASC, USA
A Preliminary Design of Rf Performances Ka-Band Communications Payload System for COMS
Y.-M. Lee, S.-P. Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea
A Roadmap for Commercial Flexible Ka-Band Telecommunication Satellites
J. B. Sombrin, CNES, France
KaBSat a Major Step Towards Broadband Everywhere
A. Ceccarelli, A. Puccio, Telespazio SpA, Italy
9:00-10:30 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session PAN3 'Panel 3: International Regulations: What Works and What Doesn't'
Moderated by V. MIMIS, Industry Canada, Canada
John Forsey, Director of New Satellite Ventures and International Coordination, Telesat Canada, Canada
Don Jansky, President, Barmat-Jansky, USA
Blaise Soury Lavergne, Agence Nationale des Frèquences (ANFR), France
Alexandre Vallet, Research and Development, France Telecom, France
Roberto Viola, Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM), Italy
9:00-10:30 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session MOD3 'Modulation and Coding 3'
Chaired by L. ERUP, EMS Technologies Canada Ltd., Canada and H. ERNST, DLR German Aerospace Center, Germany
New M-ary QAM Transmission Payload System
M. Tanaka, Nihon University, Japan
Optimization of 16-QAM Modulation for Nonlinear Satellite Channels
I. Otung, University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
A New Coded QAM Modulation Scheme for Broadband Satellite Communication
T. Yamazato, T. Yamaoka, H. Okada, M. Katayama, Nagoya University, Japan, A. Ogawa, Meijo University, Japan
9:00-10:30 - Room Pio XII
Session PTECH1 'Payload Technology 1'
Chaired by J. BELMONT, Alcatel Space, France and Y. KAZEKAMI, Advanced Space Systems Business Corp., Japan
A New Generation of Input Multiplexers in Ka-Band
F. -J. Görtz, Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Ultra-Wideband Direct Conversion Receivers for Satellite On-Board Processing: System Analysis and Digital Error Compensation
H. G. Göckler, H. Kopmann, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Compact and High Efficient C-band Solid State Power Amplifier for Satellite Use
S. Ogura, Y. Yamamori, R. Hayashi, K. Seino, M. Kido, A. Kiyohara, T. Ono, T. Tsunoda, T. Yuasa, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
9:00-10:30 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session BBS1 'Broadband Systems 1'
Chaired by X. LOBAO, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands and T. IIDA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
Anik F2 Ka-band Multimedia System Design
A. Shoamanesh, R. Tinley, Telesat Canada, Canada, J. King, Communications Research Centre Canada, Canada
AmerHis: Triple Play over an OBP-based DVB-RCS Satellite Platform
F. Vallejo, A. Yun, Alcatel ESPACIO, Spain
Multimedia Services Over DVB-RCS OBP Satellite Systems
H. Cruickshank, S. Iyengar, Z. Sun, University of Surrey, CCSR, United Kingdom, A. S. Esguevillas, C. G. Garcia, J. T. Gijon, Telefonica I + D, Spain
9:00-10:30 - Room Orsini
Session MSS1 'Mobile Systems 1'
Chaired by A. JAHN, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany and H. WAKANA, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
MBMS Architechture for Satellite-UMTS
C. Párraga, N. Courville, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany, P. Pregler, Siemens AG Österreich, Austria, J. Furrer, ASCOM AG, Switzerland
Double Use of the Link Margin - Advanced Physical Layer for Satellite Broadcast to Mobile Users
E. Eberlein, A. Heuberger, M. Breiling, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Germany
Mobile satellite availability for non- critical telecommunication and navigation services in urban environment
G. Scot, C. Loisel, S. May, M. Jeannot, Centre National d’ Etudes Spatiales, France, J. Marais, INRETS, France
9:00-10:30 - Room Pio XI
Session NAV1 'Navigation and Positioning Systems 1'
Chaired by R. LUCAS RODRIGUEZ, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands and S. RAGHAVAN, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Status of EGNOS and Galileo Projects
R. Lucas-Rodriguez, European Space Agency / ESTEC, The Netherlands
Bandwidth Criteria for GNSS Signals – Impact on Code-Tracking Performance
S. Raghavan, J. Jameson, The Aerospace Corp., USA, L. M. Vaughn, United States Air Force, USA
Statistical Analysis of BPSK-like Techniques for the Acquisition of Galileo Signals
E. Lohan, Tampere University on Technology, Finland
11:00-13:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA4: Propagation and Fade Mitigation 1
Chaired by R. J. ACOSTA, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Long Term Correlation Between Scintillation and Rain Attenuation in a Slant Path at 18.7 GHz from Italsat
E. Matricciani, C. Riva, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Empirical Propagation Channel Model for High Altitude Platform Communication Systems
S. Plevel, T. Javornik, M. Mohorcic, G. Kandus, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Characterisation and Modelling of Propagation Effects in 20-50 GHz Band
C. Riva, C. Capsoni, L. Luini, E. Matricciani, A. Paraboni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, J. Lemorton, L. Castanet, V. Fabbro, L. Feral, ONERA, France, E. Kubista, M. Schoenhuber, Joanneum Research, Austria, A. Martellucci, ESA/ESTEC TEC-EEP, The Netherlands
Noise Correlation Radiometer
H. Helmken, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Simulation and Verification of a Fade Mitigation System
O. Koudelka, TU Graz, Austria, M. Bousquet, SUPAERO, France, L. Castanet, ONERA, France
A Study on Frequency Reuse and Available Time Statistics for S-Band Mobile Communications Using Multi-beam Geostationary Satellite
I. Nakazawa, NT Wireless Laboratory, Japan, T. Ide, S.-I Yamamoto, N. Hamamoto, NICT, Japan
One Year of Propagation Measurement Results at Ka-band
A. Rocha, University of Aveiro, Portugal, J. Neves, R. Teixeira, Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal
11:00-13:00 - Room Colonna
Session ECO1 'Satellite Economics and Market Issues 1'
Chaired by J. CHARRIER, EADS Astrium, France and C. HOEBER, Space Systems/Loral, USA
Impact of Subsystem Reliability on Satellite Revenue Generation and Present Value
J. H. Saleh, J. Torres-Padilla, R. Hassan, D. E. Hastings, D. Newman, M.I.T, USA
Utilization Rates of GEO Communication Satellites: Statistical analysis of loading dynamics
J. H. Saleh, J. Torres-Padilla, E. Morgan, R. Sperber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Are Satellite Clusters a Good Deal for Commissioning Broadband Satellite Systems?
J. Gayrard, Alcatel Space, France, E. Bertenyi, Telesat, Canada, B. Perrot, SES-Astra, Luxembourg, A. Cotellessa, ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands
Commercial Spacecraft Evolution – Driven by the Business Case
C. F. Hoeber, Space Systems/Loral, USA
11:00-13:00 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session NPTC1 'Protocols 1'
Chaired by B. G. EVANS, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom and M. HADJITHEODOSIOU, University of Maryland, USA
Investigation on the Self-Similarity of Web Traffic Generated by Aggregated Individual Browsers
V. Boussemart, O. Grèmillet, N. Copurville, DLR, Germany
Transport Protocols for Reliability in Satellite Multicast
S. Thilakawardana, G. Acar, A. Widiawan, R. Tafazolli, Mobile Communications Research Group Centre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR), United Kingdom
AeroTCP: A Splitting Transport Protocol for an IP-based Satellite Network Supporting Aeronautical Communications
Y. Shang, M. Hadjitheodosiou, J. Baras, University of Maryland, USA
Evaluation of Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols For Satellite Networks
S. Ramachandran, G. Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, S. Iyengar
University of Surrey, United Kingdom
11:00-13:00 - Room Pio XII
Session PTECH2 'Payload Technology 2'-
Chaired by P. RIEGER, Tesat-Spacecom GmbH, Germany and G. HEALY, COM DEV Ltd., Canada
Consideration of Future Satellite Communication Technology to Lead New Technology
M. Tanaka, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, T.Iida, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan
Evolution of Analog to Digital Conversion Technology for Wideband Space Applications
P. Angeletti, L. Hili, X. Maufroid, European Space Agency, The Netherlands, G. Gallinaro, Space Engineering SpA, Italy
Development Status of Reconfigurable Communication Equipment on SmartSat-1
N. Nishinaga, K. Suzuki, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Flexible Ka-Band LCAMP for In-Orbit Output Power Adjustable MPM
M. Khilla, W. Gross, H. Schreiber, D. Leucht, Tesat-Spacecom GmbH, Germany
11:00-13:00 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session BBS2 'Broadband Systems 2'
Chaired by A. SHOAMANESH, Telesat, Canada and M. LISI, Telespazio SpA, Italy
Techniques and technologies for Next Generation Broadband Satellite Systems
I. Buret, K. Leconte, S. Combes, J-D. Gayrard, Alcatel Alenia Space France, France, B. Perrot, SES-ASTRA, Luxembourg, M. Fitch, BT, United Kingdom
Star / Mesh - the Truly Hybrid Solution
J. Lange, F. Thaller, ND SatCom AG, Germany
DDSO: the satellite contribution to European government actions for the e-Inclusion of citizens and regions
L. Thomasson, M. Vaissière, F. Joly, M. –P. Kluth, S. Taylor, EADS ASTRIUM, France, C. Elia, R. de Gaudenzi, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands
Scalable Ka-band Satellite System for Broadband Services
B. Ziegler, M. Kassebom, OHB-System AG, Germany, W. Milcz, Tesat-Spacecom GmbH, Germany
11:00-13:00 - Room Orsini
Session NQOS1 'Traffic and QoS Management'
Chaired by O. DEL RIO HERRERO, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands and S. KRILE, University of Dubrovnic, Croatia
Reliable Multicast Optimization in the SatIPSec Protocol
A.-L. Beylot, E. Chaput, R. Dhaou, ENSEEIHT/IRIT, France, L. Duquerroy, Alcatel Space Industries, France
The Satellite Link Resource Management for Mobile Network
S. Krile, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Performance Evaluation of Congestion Control Strategies for 3G Mobile Satellite Systems
F. Schlapansky, J. Rammer, Siemens AG Österreich, Program and System Engineering PSE, Austria, N. Courville, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany, J. Furrer, ASCOM Systec AG, Switzerland
11:00-13:00 - Room Orsini
Session MSS2 'Mobile Systems 2'
Chaired by A. VERNUCCI, Space Engineering, Italy and R. SUZUKI, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Broadband Global Area Network Air Interface Evolution
M. Richharia, E. Trachtman, Inmarsat, United Kingdom, P. Fines, Wireless Intelligent Systems Ltd., United Kingdom
NEMO : a NEw MObile Satellite Concept with a Complementary Ground Component
S.Boichon, B. Laurent, C. Michel, V. A. Abian, EADS ASTRIUM SAS, France
The Challenges Of Delivering Mobile Telephony Services to Passengers Onboard Commercial Aircraft
V. Blanc, A. Charlton, D. Froehly, C. Stam, OnAir, Switzerland
A Feasibility Study of Broadband and Scalable Mobile Satellite Communication System for Ubiquitous Networks
M. Ueba, K. Ohata, A. Meguro, K. Kobayashi, NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan
11:00-13:00 - Room Pio XI
Session NAV2 'Navigation and Positioning Systems 2'
Chaired by R. LUCAS RODRIGUEZ, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands and S. RAGHAVAN, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Development of Time Management System for Navigation Mission of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
K. Kimura, Y. Takahashi, J. Amagai, M. Fujieda, S. Yokota, H. Ito, S. Hama, T. Morikawa
National Institute of Information and Communications Technolofy, Japan, I. Kawano, S. Kogure, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agancy (JAXA), Japan
Position Augmentation Solutions for Location Based Services
F. Rodriguez, G. Plaia, Telespazio SpA, Italy
Effect of Alternate Path on Satellite Positioning Accuracy in an Urban Environment
J. Marais, M. Berbineau, D. F. Nahimana, INRETS, France
Next Generation Sub-Systems for Navigation Payloads
S. Iannitti, M. Donati, L. Zuliani, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
11:00-13:00 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA5 'Communication Protocols 1'
Chaired by P. LO GALBO, ESA, The Netherlands
Performance for DVB-S2 Receiver
W. Thesling, F. Mo, M. Nimon, R. Gedney, Efficient Channel Coding Inc., USA
On Adopting the GAP Model to Estimate TCP Throughput of Broadband Satellite Links
A. E. Drougas, P. M. Arapoglou, A. D. Panagopoulos, P. G. Cottis, Wireless & Satellite Communications Group, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Robust Frame Synchronization Design in the Presence of Frequency Errors
R. Pedone, M. Villanti, G. E. Corazza, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy, T. P. Mathiopoulos, ISARS, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
QoS Architectures for DVB-RCS Networks
S. Combes, C. Baudoin, N. Sanniers, G. Smaoui, Alcatel Alenia Space, France, O. Alphand, P. Berthou, T. Gayraud, CNRS/LAAS, France
Performance Evaluation of UDP Multimedia Traffic Flows in Satellite-WLAN Integrated Paths(*)
A. Annese, P. Barsocchi, N. Celandroni, E. Ferro, ISTI CNR, Italy
VoIP with QoS and Bandwidth-on-Demand for DVB-RCS
H. Skinnemoen, A. Vermesan, Nera SatCom, Norway, G. Adams, Newtec Cy, Belgium, A. Iuoras, EMS Satellite Networks, Canada, X. Lobao, ESA - ESTEC, The Netherlands
Performance of DT-OFDM for Satellite Communications in Ka Band
X. Da, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Air Force Engineering University, China, (PRC), Y. Li, T. Zhu, The Telecommunication Engineering Institute, Air Force Engineering University, China (PRC)
14:00-16:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
SatNEx Advances in Air Interfaces for Broadband Satellite Communications
Moderated by M. BOUSQUET, SUPAERO, France
Overview of the European FP6 Satellite Communications Network of Excellence SatNEx
Eric Lutz, German Aerospace Research Center (DLR), Germany
The Integral Satcom Initiative (ISI) - a new European FP7 Technology Platform
Giovanni E. Corazza, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy
Channel Modelling and Fade Mitigation Techniques for Broadband Satellite Communications
Michel Bousquet, SUPAERO, France
Flexible Waveforms for DVB-S2/RCS Physical Layers
Giovanni E. Corazza, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy
Radio Resource Management and Cross-layer Approach in Satellite Networks
Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy
IP networking challenges for the next generation of DVB-RCS
Gorry Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
14:00-16:00 - Room Colonna
Session REG1 'Regulations and Spectrum Sharing 1'
Chaired by G. STETTE, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway and R. REY, Boeing Satellite Systems, USA
Interference Potential to MSS Due to Terrestrial Reuse of Satellite Band Frequencies
P. D. Karabinis, S. Dutta, W.W. Chapman, Mobile Satellite Ventures, LP, USA
Interference into Ka-Band Satellite Networks from UWB Devices
A. Shoamanesh, R. Bowen, Telesat Canada, Canada, M. Hebert, Canadian Space Agency, Canada
Global Bilsat-1 VHF frequency usage visualization
A. Telli, A. Es, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Turkey
Frequency Coordination for Navigation Services of Japan’s Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)
S. Kogure, Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan, Y. Kazekami, S. Hayashi, T. Mitome, Advanced Space Business Corporation, Japan
14:00-16:00 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session NPTC2 'Protocols 2'
Chaired by B. EVANS, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom and M. HADJITHEODOSIOU, University of Maryland, USA
Packet Scheduling Techniques for HSDPA and MBMS Transmissions in Satellite UMTS
G. Giambene, S. Riannetti, Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy, V. Y. H. Kueh, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, C. Párraga, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Evaluation of Authentication and Encryption Algorithms for Telecommand and Telemetry in Space Missions
S. Spinsante, M. Baldi, F. Chiaraluce, E. Gambi, G. Righi, Università Politecnica delle Marche, DEIT, Italy
Secure Satellite IP Multicast Using Group Secure Association Key Management Protocol
S. Iyengar, H. Cruickshank, Z. Sun, University of Surrey, CCSR, United Kingdom
Test Considerations for Satellite Network Performance Enhancing Technologies
C. Younghusband, K. Fodil-Lemelin, XipLink Networking Inc., Canada
14:00-16:00 - Room Pio XII
Session PTECH3 'Payload Technology 3'
Chaired by P. ANGELETTI, ESA, The Netherlands and N. MENON, Stellar Solutions Aerospace, Italy
Non-Mechanical Two-Dimensional Optical Beam Deflector Operated By Wavelength Tuning
M. Toyoshima, F. Fidler, M. Pfennigbauer, W. R. Leeb, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
High Frequency Band Technologies for Satellite Broadband Telecommunications
L. Zuliani, V. Catalano, G. Codispoti, S. Iannitti, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
Modular Microwave Hybrid Technology
G. Thomas, G. Weaver, S. Taylor, EADS Astrium Ltd, United Kingdom, D. Schmitt, ESA /ESTEC, The Netherlands
A Fast Converging Full-Wave Electromagnetic Designing Procedure for The Synthesis and Optimization of Space Applications Filters
S. Kosmopoulos, S. Petrucci, V. Speziale, M. Albertini, Space Engineering SpA, Italy
14:00-16:00 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session BBS3 'Broadband Systems 3'
Chaired by A. VERNUCCI, Space Engineering SpA, Italy and R. SUZUKI, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Advances in Satellite Communications, Applications and Solutions
H. Skinnemoen, Nera SatCom, Norway
Development of Communication Subsystem for the WINDS
R. Suzuki, N. Yoshimura, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Ogawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, T. Kuroda, T. Takahashi, M. Shimada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan
Distributed Satellite Communication Systems: First-Order Interactions between System and Network Architectures
J. E. Underwood, D. Poppe, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, USA, O. de Weck, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Reducing Satellite Communication Cost Using Terrestrial Peer-to-Peer for Lost Recovery
F. de Belleville, ENSICA/TéSA, ENSEEIHT /IRIT, France, L. Dairaine, National ICT Australia, Australia, ENSICA/TéSA, France, M. Gineste, ENSICA, France, C. Fraboul, ENSEEIHT /IRIT, France
14:00-16:00 - Room Torlonia
Session DVB1 'DVB and DVB-RCS Networks 1'
Chaired by J. GAYRARD, Alcatel Space, France and J. KING, Communications Research Centre, Canada
Active Emulation of a DVB-RCS Satellite Link in an End-toend QoS-oriented Heterogeneous Network
M. Gineste, H. Thalmensy, P. Senac, ENSICA, France, L. Dairaine, National ICT Australia, Australia,
M. Diaz, LAAS / CNRS, France
DVB-S and DVB-RCS Regenerative Satellite System Architecture with on-board switching for optimal QoS-aware transmission of IP traffic.
N. G. Courville, H. Bischl, DLR, Germany
DVB-RCS2 Satellite Network with Dual Fade Mitigation Technique
E. Noussi, B. Grémont, A. Hewitt, University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Design and Performance Evaluation of Efficient Scheduling Techniques for Second Generation DVB-S Systems
C. Párraga Niebla, C. Kissling, E. Lutz, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany
14:00-16:00 - Room Orsini
Session MSS3 'Mobile Systems 3'
Chaired by F. GRAZIANI, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy and S. MAY, CNES, France
On the Application of DVB-S2 and DVB-RCS for Mobile Services
S. Cioni, G. Albertazzi, G.E. Corazza, M. Neri, A. Vanelli-Coralli, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy
DVB-RCS For Mobile Applications: A Way To Reduce The Costs Through The Extension Of The DVB-RCS Standard
S. Defever, C. Moreau, E. Alberty, N. Lerouge, EADS Astrium SAS, France, P. Takats, A. Iuoras, L. Erup, EMS Technologies Canada, Canada
Development of Mobile Broadband Interactive Satellite Access System for Ka/Ku band
Y.-J. Song, D.-G. Oh, H. –J. Lee, Satellite Communications Research Group, Korea
Aalysis of standardized air interface solution for mobile satellite services in Ku band
F. Arnal, C. Bazile, CNES, France, H. Ernst, S. Scalise, DLR, Germany, M. Bousquet, Ecole Nationale Superieure de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace, France
14:00-16:00 - Room Pio XI
Session MISC1 'Other Satellite Applications 1' -
Chaired by E. ELIZONDO, Spacecraft Systems Consultant, USA and M. HADJITHEODOSIOU, University of Maryland, USA
A Study on the Interface Design of SATCOM System for Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite
C. S. Sin , J. W. Park, S. P. Lee, Global Area Wireless Technology Research Group, Korea
Modeling and Design of a Communication Architecture Supporting Lunar Exploration
A. Roy-Chowdhury, M. Hadjitheodosiou, J. S. Baras, University of Maryland, USA, N. Rentz, INP Grenoble Telecom, France
The Envisat Data Dissemination System for Africa
B. Collini-Nocker, Global Communication & Services GmbH, Austria, S. Badessi, ESA/ESRIN, Italy,
D. Tomassini, Vitrociset (ESA/ESRIN), Italy, D. Castrovillari, Intecs, Italy
Efficient Use of Ka-band Channels for LEO-to-Exoatmospheric Communication
M. J. Furman, Harris Corp., USA
14:00-16:00 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA6: Advances in Components 1
Chaired by W. WILLIAMS, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
G/T and Noise Figure of Active Phased Array Antenna
R. J. Acosta, J. Nessel, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA, C. F. Du Toit, QSS Group, Inc., USA
Optimum Low Phasenoise Architecture for Communication Payload Frequency Converters
F. Barletta, M. C. Comparini, J. R. Linkowski, M. Micaloni, A. Suriani, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
20 Watt Ka-Band Solid State Up Converter
M. Mongrain, AdvantechAMT, Canada
Design & Implementation of Fast Frequency Hopping TDMA Tx Module for Mobile Satellite Terminal
J. Ryu, D.-G. Oh., H.-J. Lee, ETRI, South Korea
Design of Onboard Multibeam Antenna System for Giga Bit Class Communication Satellite
S. Ozawa, T. Maeda, M. Shimada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan, K. Hirayama, A. Fukatsu, Y. Koishi, NEC TOSHIBA Space Systems, Ltd., Japan
Ka-Band High Speed Digital Modulators for Multimedia Satellites and Mission Data Downlinks
W. Chen, J. Dokas, A. Malarky, COM DEV Ltd., Canada
C/Ka-Band Upconverter for Satellite
S. Kurose, S. Suzuki, R. Koyama, M. Kojima, NEC TOSHIBA Space Systems, Ltd., Japan
16:30-18:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session BSKY2: 3rd BroadSky Workshop 2
Aeronautical and Terrestrial Mobile Satellite Communications'
Moderated by N. KADOWAKI, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Aeronautical Image Transmission Utilizing Ka-band Communications Satellite
Shinji Ogawa, Satellite Applications Center , JAXA, Japan
New Trends in Aircraft Passenger Communications: the Satellite Opportunity
Axel Jahn, TriaGnoSys, Germany
Always-on Connection for Train Passengers: Internet and Digital TV via Satellite-based Systems
Sandro Scalise, German Aerospace Research Center (DLR), Germany
Examples of European Framework Programme Satellite Projects on Aeronautical and Terrestrial Mobile Satellite Communications
Panel Discussion
16:30-18:30 - Room Colonna
Session BUS1 'Satellite Bus 1'
Chaired by M. EDRIDGE, Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems, USA and J. PORTIER, Alcatel Space, France
Alcatel Space SPACEBUS™ Latest Advances
L. Pelenc, J. –D. Gayrard, Alcatel Alenia Space, France
Evolution of the Eurostar product line
G. Berger, J. –M. Stephan, EADS Astrium, France
Deployment Analysis of Very Large Advanced Structures for Solar Arrays and Model Correlation
A. Carpine, G. Ladurée, Alcatel Space, France
16:30-18:30 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session GND1 'Ground Systems 1' -
Chaired by M. MIURA, SCC, Japan and M. KOHL, ND Satcom AG, Germany
MiniT - A Way Forward to Achieve High Data Rates with Small Terminal Sizes
M. Kohl, U. Slansky, ND Satcom AG, Germany, E. Eberlein, R. Wansch, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany
Implementation and Tests of a Simple Amplitude Predistorter to Linearize Saturated SSPAs.
P. Tardif, S. Morris, X. Huang, Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC), Canada
Linearized microwave and millimeter wave power modules (L-MPMS) for space ground station applications
A. Katz, R. Gray, R. Dorval, Linearizer Technology Inc., USA
16:30-18:30 - Room Pio XII
Session DSP1 'Digital Signal Processors 1'-
Chaired by T. BUTASH, BAE Systems, USA and T. CRAIG, EADS Astrium, United Kingdom
Efficient Digital On-Board De- and Remultiplexing of FDM Signals Allowing for Flexible Bandwidth Allocation
M. N. Abdulazim, Heinz G. Göckler, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Digital Signal Processing Group, Germany
SpaceMux On-Board Processor
J.S. Cherkaoui, C.J. Black, EMS Technologies, Canada
The INMARSAT 4 Digital Processor and Next Generation Developments
A. M. Bishop, O. Emam, A. D. Craig, L. Farrugia, R. J. F. Hughes, M. Childerhouse, M. Ali, P. Cornfield, P. Marston, S. Taylor, G. Thomas, EADS Astrium Ltd., U.K., D. Schmitt, X. Maufroid, L. Hili, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Regenerative Payload Processor Architectures and Technology for DVB-RCS/DVB-S(2) Satellite Systems
C. K. Leong, P.C. Marston, B. L. Combridge, C.L. Topping, I. Cameron, S. Holroyd, EADS Astrium Ltd., United Kingdom, F. Petz, X. Maufroid, ESTEC, The Netherlands
16:30-18:30 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session BSS1 'Broadcast Systems 1'
Chaired by B. PERROT, SES ASTRA, Luxembourg and E. KLEIN-LEBBINK, Boeing Satellite Systems, USA
Personalized Radio and Multimedia Services for Vehicular Terminals: the "Ku Mobile" System
S. Scalise, H. Ernst, DLR (German Aerospace Center), Germany, C. Loeillet, G. Harles, Société Européenne des Satellites, Luxembourg, H. –J. Voegel, BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany, R. Midthassel, A. J. P. –C. Rios, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands
Satellite DAB Gapfilling Methodology
R. D. Briskman, Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., USA
Service Characterization and Traffic Mix Derivation for Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcast (SDMB) System
V. Y. H. Kueh, M. Karaliopoulos, B.G. Evans, CSSC, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
New Market opportunities for Satellite : Broadcast over Mobile
R. Montagne, IDATE, France
16:30-18:30 - Room Torlonia
Session DVB2 'DVB and DVB-RCS Networks 2'
Chaired by Y. NAGAI, JSAT Corporation, Japan and J. KING, Communications Research Centre, Canada
Comparison of the DVB- S and DVB- S2 performances
A. Duverdier, CNES, France, X. Giraud, Cabinet Novacom, France
Performance Analysis and Trade-off of Forward Link Adaptive Coding and Modulation in DVB-S2/DVB-RCS Multi-Beam Satellite System
G. Gallinaro, A. Vernucci, Space Engineering SpA, Italy, A. Ginesi, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Performance Evaluation and Tuning of Voip in DVB-RCS Satellite Networks
A. Vermesan, Å. S. Clausen, R. Mosand, Nera SatCom AS, Norway
Adaptive margins : a new feature to improve ACM systems performances
K. Leconte , A. Bolea-Alamañac, I. Buret, Alcatel Alenia Space France, France
16:30-18:30 - Room Orsini
Session MSS4 'Mobile Systems 4'
Chaired by G. E. CORAZZA, University of Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy and S. TAIRA, Kashima Space Research Center, Japan
An Experimental Mobile Satellite Communications System with an Onboard Packet Switch
S. Taira, Kashima Space Research Center, Japan, N. Hamamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, M. Yoneda, NEC TOSHIBA Space Systems Ltd., Japan
‘Mobile Wideband Global Link sYstem’ (MOWGLY) – Aeronautical, Train and Maritime Global High-Speed Satellite Services
P. Vincent, Alcatel Alenia Space, France, A. Arcidiacono, Eutelsat, N. Chevet, Airbus, L. Audounet, Rockwell Collins France, France, G. Naym, Orbit, J. Alvarez, Alstom, L. Babarit, Alcatel CIT, A. Vaccaro, MBI, Italy, M. Le Saux, Pointshot Wireless, M. Holzbock, TriaGnoSys, Germany, R. Lo Forti, TeS, C. Charatsaris, Video&Suono, R. Alvarez, Ineco, P. Bates, Broadreach Network, M. Smith, Advantech, B.G. Evans, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Adaptive Beam-Forming with Interference Suppression in MSS with ATC
D. Zheng, P. D. Karabinis, Mobile Satellite Ventures, LP, USA
Network Architecture Evolution for Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcast (SDMB) Interworking with 3G and Beyond Mobile Networks
L. Liang, Z. Sun, H. Cruickshank, S. Iyengar, CCSR, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, M. Fitch, British Telecom, UK, M. Cole, Logica-CMG, T. Boivin, Alcatel CIT, France, N. Chuberre, Alcatel Space, France
16:30-18:30 - Room Pio XI
Session ACT1 'Advanced Communications Techniques 1' -
Chaired by X. MAUFROID, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands and T. GILES, DSpace, Australia
A study on the Transponder System in the 21GHz-band Broadcasting Satellites using Phased-array Antenna
M. Kamei, NHK Engineering Administration Department, Japan, K. Yamagata, S. Tanaka, K. Imai,
K. Shogen, NHK Science & Technical Research Laboratories, Japan
Combined Optimization of Capacity and Availability on a Ka broadband communication satellite system
M. P. Rodriguez, S. May, G. Scot, CNES, France
Non-Uniform Bandwidth and Power Allocation in Multi-Beam Broadband Satellite Systems
R. Rinaldo, X. Maufroid, R. C. Garcia, European Space Agency ESTEC, The Netherlands
Analysis of Beam Hopping Techniques in Future Multi-Beam Broadband Satellite Networks
X. Maufroid, R. Rinaldo, R.C. Garcia, European Space Agency ESTEC, The Netherlands
16:30-18:30 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA7: Propagation and Fade Mitigation 2
Chaired by A. PARABONI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
NASA Radio Frequency Propagation Program
R. J. Acosta, P. Harbath, J. Nessel, S. Sands, NASA Glenn Research Centre, USA, R. Gonzalez, University of Puerto Rico, USA
Variable Slant-Path Ka-Band Propagation Measurements on the Australian LEO Microsatellite “FedSat”
T. Kostulski, S. Reisenfeld, University of Technology of Sydney, Australia
Statistical Characteristic of Rainfall at Ka-band in China Typical Region
Y. Liu, G. Huang, M. Li, A. Song, The Telecommunication Engineering Institute, Air Force Engineering University, China (PRC)
Resources Allocation for Broadband Internet Communications Via High Altitude Platform with Rain Attenuation: Strategies and Performance Evaluation
I. Bisio, M. Marchese, University of Genoa, Italy
Applying the Synthetic Storm Technique for Converting Simulated Rain-Rate Series Into Attenuation Series
F. Perez Fontan, A. Nuñez, A. Valcarce, University of Vigo, Spain, U. Fiebig, DLR, Germany
1-min Rain Rate Statistics Predictions from 1-hour Rain Rate Statistics Measurements
C. Capsoni, L. Luini, C. Riva, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Study on Rain Attenuation Compensation for WINDS Sat-Com System
N. Yoshimura, R. Suzuki, Y. Ogawa, Y. Hashimoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Reconfigurability of the On-Board Antenna for Front-End as a Countermeasure Against Tropospheric Attenuation
A. Paraboni, C. Capsoni, M. Buti, S. Bertorelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, P. Rinous, A. Martellucci, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands, N. Gatti, P. Gabellini, Space Engineering SpA, Italy
Wednesday, September 28
9:00-10:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA8: Advances in Components 2
Chaired by N. KADOWAKI, Adaptive Communications Research Lbs., Japan
A High Data Rate Ka-Band Transmitter for Planetary Exploration
B. Oney, L-3 Communications Cincinnati Electronics, USA
Dual Ka-Band Integrated Radio for Satcom-on-the-Move™
V. Babiak, I. Tchaplia, M. Garzon, ITS Electronics Inc., Canada
High Speed On-Board ATM Based Switch Subsystem for Broadband Satellite Communication System
Y. Yamasa, H. Katagiri, T. Kumagai, M. Yoneda, NEC TOSHIBA Space Systems, Ltd., Japan, R. Suzuki, N. Yoshimura, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Ogawa, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Japan
Flexible Frequency Synthesizers for Ka-Band Payloads
B. Hespeler, K. Schieber, Tesat Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Advanced Ka-Band Antennas for High Performance Spot Beam Applications
S. Taylor, S. Stirland, M. Harvey, D. Shepherd, R. Roberts, M. Schneider, G. Connor, M. Skeen, H. Wolf, EADS Astrium Ltd, United Kingdom
Ka-Band Advanced Technologies for Broadband Satellite Telecommunications
V. Catalano, L. Zuliani, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
9:00-10:30 - Room Colonna
Session BUS2 'Satellite Bus 2'
Chaired by J. STEPHAN, EADS Astrium, United Kingdom and S. MICHAEL, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Update on Life Estimation Model of Large Lithium Ion Cells for Satellite Applications
T. Inoue, N. Imamura, T. Iwamoto, H. Yoshida, K. Komada, GS Yuasa Technology Ldt., Japan
Eurostar E3000 Lithium-ion batteries in orbit experience
P. Mattesco, A. Didier, J-F. Diraison, EADS ASTRIUM, France
Eurostar E3000 Plasma Propulsion System Initial Flight Operations
H. L Gray, EADS Astrium Ltd, UK, A. Demairé, EADS ASTRIUM SAS, France
9:00-10:30 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session GND2 'Ground Systems 2'
Chaired by D. BOULANGER, INTELSAT, USA and S. CIONI, University of Bologna - DEIS/ARCES, Italy
A DVB-S2 Modem Prototype Supporting Interactive Applications with Adaptive Coding and Modulation
T. Botticchio, P. Burzigotti, F. Richichi, A. Vernucci, Space Engineering SpA., Italy, A. Ginesi, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Modem for High Order Modulation Schemes (MHOMS)
R. De Gaudenzi , A. Ginesi, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, D. Giancristofaro, Alcatel Alenia Space Italia, Italy, S. Benedetto, G. Montorsi, Politecnico of Torino, Italy, M. Luise, University of Pisa, Italy, L. Giugno, Wiser S.r.l, Italy, C. Berrou, C. Douillard, ENST Bretagne, France, G. Gallinaro, Space Engineering SpA, Italy
1Gbps near-Shannon SCCC-based Modem Prototype
D. Giancristofaro, M. Fonte, A. Bernardi, Alcatel Alenia Space Italia, Italy, A. Ginesi, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, S. Benedetto, G. Montorsi, Politecnico of Torino, Italy
M. Luise, M. Straniero, University of Pisa, Italy
11:00-13:00 - Room Pio XII
Session ANT1 'Antenna Technology 1'
Chaired by C. MANGENOT, ESA, The Netherlands and M. DONATO, EMS Technologies Canada Ltd., Canada
Large Deployable Reflectors, an Enabling Technology for Challenging Space Missions
P. Angeletti, K. Van 'T Klooster, J. Santiago-Prowald, European Space Agency, The Netherlands, F. Mini, L. Scialino, Alenia Spazio, Italy
ARTEMIS LLM Payload Antenna Design Concepts and PIM Test Results
P. Russo, Space Engineering SpA, Italy, A. Pullara, Alenia Spazio, Italy
Development of a Q/V Band Antenna Subsystem for Broadband Space Communications
E. Vetrano, A. Catalani, G. Bellaveglia, P. Russo, Space Engineering SpA., Italy, R. Ravanelli, R. Mizzoni, Alcatel Alcatel Alenia Spazio Italia Spazio, Italy, P. Angeletti, G. Toso, European Space Agency, The Netherlands
9:00-10:30 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session MISC2 'Other Satellite Applications 1'
Chaired by H. TANAKA, NTT Corporation, Japan and M. BOUSQUET, SUPAERO, France
Traffic Capacity Estimation of a Satellite System for Emergency Situations
G. Sow, Marie-Laure Boucheret, ENST / IRIT, France, C. Guiraud, J. –D. Gayrard, Alcatel Space, France
Autonomus rendezvous technologies using mini satellites- planned experiments
S. Kimura, Y. Nagai, H. Yamamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, K. Masuda, N. Abe, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan
UNISAT microsatellites: an affordable way to test in orbit innovative technologies and ideas
F. Graziani, F. Santoni, F. Piergentili, F. Bulgarelli, M. Sgubini, M. Ronzitti, M. L. Battagliere, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
9:00-10:30 - Room Orsini
Session PRO1 'Propagation and Rain Fade 1'
Chaired by B. GREMONT, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom and U. FIEBIG, DLR German Aerospace Center, Germany
Aeronautical Channel Model for Broadband L-Band Satellite Communication
M. Richharia, N. Kaluvala, Inmarsat, United Kingdom , P. Fines, Wireless Intelligent Systems Ltd., United Kingdom, M. Alvarez-Diaz, University of Vigo, Spain, A. Jahn, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany
Review and Testing Analysis of Rain Rate and Rain Attenuation Prediction Models for Satellite Applications in the Aburrá Valley in the Country of Colombia
L. D. Emiliani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, L. Castanet, L. Feral, ONERA-CERT, France
Considerations of rain attenuation models for Ka-Band Satellite –Based Wideband Systems
L. Yen, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, USA
9:00-10:30 - Room Pio XI
Session ACT2 'Advanced Communications Techniques 2'
Chaired by I. BURET, Alcatel Space, France and R. SCHWEIKERT, AUDENS ACT Consulting GmbH, Germany
A Comprehensive Assessment Tool For Satellite Systems Embodying Adaptive Coding And Modulation Techniques: Implementation Approach And Main Results
G. Gallinaro, A. Vernucci, Space Engineering, Italy, G. E. Corazza, Università di Bologna, DEIS/ARCES, Italy, R. Rinaldo, ESTEC, The Netherlands, A. Paraboni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Tunable Fairness-Based Capacity Allocation for Satellite Systems with Adaptive Physical Layer
F. Vieira, A. Vazquez Castro, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, Spain
Feasibility Study of an Operational Satellite Systems Exploiting the Q/V Frequency Bands
P. Angeletti, A. Vernucci, Space Engineering SpA, Italy, G. Codispoti, , L. Zuliani, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
9:00-10:30 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA9: Communication Protocols 2
Chaired by M. CARON, Communications Research Centre, Canada
A Cross-Layer Mechanism for Efficient Management of TCP-based Traffic
M. Luglio, C. Roseti, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy, G. Giambene, University of Siena, Italy
Bandwidth on Demand Strategies for Mixed Traffic in Broadband DVB-RCS Satellite Networks
A. Vermesan, Nera SatCom, Norway
Performance Evaluation of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms Over UMTS
P. Camarda, L. A. Grieco, G. Boggia, A. M. Mebabi, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
5 m Ka Uplink Station-ESVA and Stability Test Results
G. Nicolai, A. Noro, Aersat, Italy, R. Bardelli, Eutelsat, France, P. Vita, C. Squadrito, Antech SpA, Italy
Advanced Coding and Decoding Techniques with Continuous Phase Modulations for Satellite Communications
A. Ginesi, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, E. Pascale, Alcatel, Italy, A. Barbieri, Università di Parma, Italy
11:00-13:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA10: Navigation and New Communication Systems
Chaired by H. HELMKEN, Florida Atlantic University, USA
NASA’s Space Communication and Navigation Architecture for 2010-2030
W. D. Williams, J. S. Schier, J. J. Rush, P. Vrotsos, B. Geldzahler, NASA Headquarters, USA
Global Harmonization of Aeronautical Communications
R. J. Kerczewski, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Design of the KaB-Sat Satellite System
R. Winkler, G. Losquadro, Alcatel Alenia Spazio Italia, Italy
Wireless Communications for Airport Surface: 5 GHz Measurement Procedures and Results
R. D. Apaza, Federal Aviation Administration, USA, D. W. Matolak, Ohio University, USA
Study of an Helicopter NavCom Terminal employing a new Galileo Concept for Crisis Area Remote Management
G. De Franco, G. Morante, A. Cicogna, V. Artibani, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
NASA Study for Establishing Baseline Requirements for the Future Terminal Airspace Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) Systems
R.D. Apaza, Federal Aviation Administration, USA, C. A. Wargo, Computer Networks & Software, Inc., USA
System Design and Enabling Technologies for CASCADE: a Gigabit Speed Store and Forward Satellite System
M. Wlodyka, G. Giffin, K. Magnussen, MDA Space Missions, Canada
Express AM1 Communication Payload Module
Y. Izmailov, V. Ganzhenko, RSCC, Russia, A. Kozlov, E. Korchaguin, V. Korovin, NPO PM, Russia, T. Moriguchi, J. Nakajima, Y. Yanagi, A. Michizuki, T. Asai, NEC Toshiba Space Systems Ltd., Japan
11:00-13:00 - Room Colonna
Session BUS3 'Satellite Bus 3'
Chaired by N. MENON, Stellar Solutions Aerospace, Italy and J. STEPHAN, EADS Astrium, United Kingdom
A High Efficiency Advanced Quad-Junction Solar Cell Model, Designed and Optimized Using the SILVACO/ATLAS Software Package
S. Michael, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Solarbus Solar Array: New generation of High Power Solar generators (8-20KW) with innovative light weight mechanical architecture
F. Geyer, Alcatel Space, France
Improving Spacecraft Power Using an Advanced Maximum Power Tracking Circuit Onboard the Naval Postgraduate School Satellite: NPSAT1
S. Michael, R. Fernandez, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
11:00-13:00 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session GND3 'Ground Systems 3'
Chaired by M. CARON, Communications Research Centre, Canada and D. BOULANGER, INTELSAT, USA
Requirements for Earth Station Systems and Facilities
D. Hawkins, Telenor UK Ltd, United Kingdom
High Speed Burst Modem for WINDS
R. Gedney, M. Dollard, Efficient Channel Coding., USA, Y. Ogawa, Y. Hashimoto, N. Yoshimura,
R. Suzuki, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Antenna Pointing Accuracy Impact on Geostationary Satellite Link Quality and Interference
R. Brooker, RBrooker Engineering, USA., D. Vorderbrueggen, Andrew Corporation, USA.
Cost-Effective Two-Way Broadband Terminals: A Ka/Ku-band ODU and a Ku-band Multi-feed ODU
M. Chorev, Gilat Satellite Networks, Israel, B. Perrot, SES GLOBAL, Luxembourg, P. Gardner, Andrew Corp., USA, T. Jozuka, NJRC, Japan, T. Cheung, Zinwell Corp., Taiwan
11:00-13:00 - Room Pio XII
Session ANT2 'Antenna Technology 2'
Chaired by P. RUSSO, Space Engineering SpA, Italy and D. WHITEMAN, NASA DFRC, USA
Ku- and Ka-Band Phased Array Antenna for the Space-Based Telemetry and Range Safety Project
D. E. Whiteman, L. M. Valencia, NASA, USA, R. B. Birr, ASRC Aerospace, USA
Phased-Array Multi-beam Antenna Feeder with Beam-Group Configuration for Broadband and Scalable Mobile Satellite Communication Systems
Y. Suzuki, A. Meguro, M. Ueba, NTT Corporation, Japan
Performance of Adaptive Satellite Antenna Array Processing and Comparison with Optimal Multi-User Communications
O. Lücke, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany
11:00-13:00 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session MISC3 'Other Satellite Applications 3'
Chaired by H. TANAKA, NTT Corporation, Japan and M. BOUSQUET, SUPAERO, France
Performance Evaluation of a Single Microsatellite Data Collection System Using Small Ground Terminals
E. Zantou, CRERS, Morocco, A. Addaim, A. Kherras, CRES/EMI, Morocco
Efficient Multi-Point Data Gathering Satellite Communication System
H. Tanaka, S. Inoue, S. Nogami, T. Tsuchida, H. Kazama, NTT Corporation, Japan
Satellite and Wireless Network Evolution for Broadband Applications
G. Nicolai, P. Cerrito, Aersat SpA, Italy, D. Di Zenobio, FUB, Italy
Fiber Pigtailed Lasers for Intra-Satellite Communication
S. Laaksonen, P. Sipilä, V. Vilokkinen, Modulight, Finland, M. Mosberger, P.Mueller, Contraves Space AG, Switzerland
11:00-13:00 - Room Torlonia
Session DVB3 'DVB and DVB-RCS Networks 3'
Chaired by E. LUTZ, DLR German Aerospace Center, Germany and N. KARABUDAK, Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA
Advances in Satellite Communications, Applications and Solutions
H. Skinnemoen, Nera SatCom, Norway
Overhead of IP over Two DVB GEO Satellites: Comparison Between Bent-Pipe and OBP Systems
J. Fasson, E. Chaput, C. Fraboul, IRIT/ENSEEIHT, France
Satellite Resource Management Combining Distributed Cooperative Methods and Central Control Using BoD Variants of DVB-RCS
H. Lexow, T. Navekvien, V. Paxal, Nera Broadband Satellite, Norway
FMT control loop for the return link of DVB-RCS systems
A. B. Alamanac, K. Leconte, M. C. Monaco, I. Buret, Alcatel Alenia Space France, France
11:00-13:00 - Room Torlonia
Session LEO1 'LEO Communications Satellite Networks'
Chaired by S. KARAPANTAZIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and Y. KAZEKAMI, Advanced Space Systems Business Corp., Japan
On Call Admission Control and Handover Management in Multimedia LEO Satellite Systems
S. Karapantazis, F. Pavlidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, P. Todorova, Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Germany
Multi-constraint Routing Algorithm for LEO Satellite Networks
Z. Luo, Z. Sun, H. Cruickshank, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Dynamic handover and routing to improve QoS for IP-based LEO satellite network
T. Nameki, Y. Yasuda, Waseda University, Japan, F. Nakamura, Y. Wakahara, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Satellite-Based Smart Tags for Global Applications
R. Fleeter, AEROASTRO, USA, M. Lisi, Telespazio SpA, Italy
11:00-13:00 - Room Pio XI
Session ACT3 'Advanced Communications Techniques 3'
Chaired by I. BURET, Alcatel Space, France and R. SCHWEIKERT, AUDENS ACT Consulting GmbH, Germany
Perspectives Of Adopting Inteference Mitigation Techniques In The Context Of Broadband Multimedia Satellite Systems
G. Gallinaro, Space Engineering SpA, Italy, G. Caire, M. Debbah, Institut Eurecom, France,
L. Cottatellucci, R. Mueller, Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien Betriebs-GmbH, Austria,
R. Rinaldo, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Physical Layer Efficiency of Satellite DVB using Fade Mitigation Techniques
T. Wörz, R. Schweikert, Audens ACT GmbH, Germany, A. Jahn, TriaGnoSys GmbH, Germany,
R. Rinaldo, ESA, The Netherlands
Pilot Symbol Distributions for Satellite Burst Waveforms
T. Giles, M. Peake, M. Rice, DSpace Pty. Ltd, Australia
A Semi-Analytical Method to Assess Satellite Non Linear Channel Performance
E. Casini, A. Ginesi, R. De Gaudenzi, European Space Agency, The Netherlands
11:00-12:00 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA11: Advances in Components 3
Chaired by S. TIRRÒ, Space Engineering SpA, Italy
Ka-band Receiver for Satellite
M. Kojima, S. Suzuki, R. Koyama, NEC TOSHIBA Space Systems Ltd, Japan
A Tunable, Low-Noise Ka-Band Signal Generator for Space Applications
G. Arbery, D. Mason, D. Henry, Z. Ahmad, COM DEV Ltd., Canada, L. Hotte, Canadian Space Agency, Canada
A 500 Watt Ka-Band Coupled-Cavity TWT for 29 to 31 GHz Communication Systems
J. R. Legarra, M. Cascone, D. Andker, CPI Inc., USA
Spectral Regrowth in Spatially Combined Power Amplifiers
H. Thelander, C.-T. Cheung, M. DeLisio, Wavestream Corp., USA
12:00-13:00 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA12: Satellite Architectures 2
Chaired by Y. SUZUKI, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Design and Performance Analysis of a Synchronization Technique to Boost Peer-to-Peer on Satellite Networks
R. Asorey-Cacheda, F. J. Gonzalez-Castano, M. Crespo-Alonso, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, L. Caviglione, F. Davoli, University of Genoa, Italy
Reliable Millimeter Wave (72-100 GHz) Satellite Communication with Angle Diversity
P. Christopher, PFC Associates, USA
High Performance Data Communications in Interplanetary Networks
T. de Cola, M. Marchese, CNIT, Italy, H. Ernst, DLR, German Aerospace Center, Germany
Validation of DVB-RCS Systems with Satellite OBP
N. Girault, S. Defever, E. Alberty, F. Joly, M.-P. Kluth, EADS Astrium, France
14:00-16:00 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session KA13: Market and Regulatory Issues
Chaired by R. VIOLA, AGCOM, Italy
Preparing for the Future of Satellite Communications
R. J. Rusch, TelAstra, Inc., USA
The Market of Broadband
M. Di Crescenzo, G. La Gioia, Telespazio Spa, Italy
Providing an e-Lecture Facility Between Malta and Gozo Using Skyplex Data
H. T. Fenech, E. Lance, Eutelsat, France, P. J. Micallef, C. J. Debono, University of Malta, Malta,
M. Zapata Margeli, G. Verelst, B. Durin, EADS ATRIUM, France
Fixed Broadband Satellite Services for Rural Areas
L. Pagni, M. Mancini, Hughes Network Systems Europe, Italy
A Brave New Wireless Home: Ka-Broadband, Direct Digital & Ultra-Wideband
G. Burke, Harris Corp., USA
An Overview on VoIP Satellite Services and Relevant Regulatory IssuesG. Santella, R. De Martino, AGCOM, Italy
14:00-16:00 - Room Giovanni XXIII
Session GND4 'Ground Systems 4'
Chaired by H. SKINNEMOEN, NERA SatCom, Norway and M. CARON, Communications Research Centre, Canada
Extension of the Direction Locked Loop Tracking Algorithm to Mobile Satellite Communications
R. Gieron, P. Siatchoua, IMST GmbH, Germany
A Programmable Multi-protocol User Terminal in SkyplexNet Satellite Networks
F. Di Cola, G. Tomasicchio, Alcatel Alenia Space SpA, Italy
On the State of the Art in Mobile Broadband: The Smallest and Lightest BGAN Terminal
H. Skinnemoen, E. Eriksen, J. Smedberg, Nera SatCom, Norway
14:00-16:00 - Room Benedetto XV A
Session HALE1 'High Altitude Communications Platforms'
Chaired by M. BERIOLI, DLR German Aerospace Center, Germany and M. FREIRE, ESA, The Netherlands
Optimizing Soft Handover Scheme for High Altitude Platform Station Networks
M. Asvial, E. Simanjuntak, E. Agung, A. Purwo S, Center for Information and Communication Engineering Research (CICER), University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Hybrid HAP-Satellite Architecture for Reliable Multicast Transmissions
M. Berioli, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany, G. Giambene, I. Alocci, University of Siena, Italy, M. Mohorcic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, E. Ferro, Information Science and Technology Institute "Alessandro Faedo", Italy, F. P. Fontan, University of Vigo, Spain, F.-N. Pavlidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
14:00-16:00 - Room Pio XI
Session ACT4 'Advanced Communications Techniques 4'
Chaired by H. ERNST, DLR German Aerospace Center, Germany and E. KRISTIANSEN, ESA / ESTEC, The Netherlands
W-CDMA / OFDM comparison for future mobile broadcasting services by satellite
C. Bazile, X. Deplancq, CNES, France
Despreading of DS-CDMA Signals with Carrier By the Summed Gradient Method Using DSP
S. Egami, K. Sakaguchi, X. Wang, Shizuoka University, Japan, Y. Kitagawa, Shizuoka University (Presently With Hitachi Ltd.), Japan
Joint Detection with Channel Estimation for Multibeam Satellite Systems
J. Millerioux, CNES/Tesa, France, C. Bazile, CNES, France, M. Boucheret, IRIT/-ENSEEIHT, France, A. Ducasse, Alcatel Space, France
14:00-16:00 - Room Barelli A (K)
Session KA14: Communications Protocols 3
Chaired by C. BONIFAZI, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Italy
Uplink Capacity Limits for DVB-RCS Systems with Dynamic Framing and Adaptive Coding
M. A. Vazquez Castro, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, M. Ruggiano, L. S. Ronga, CNIT, Università di Firenze, Italy, M. Werner, DLR, Germany
A Ka/Ku Band Integrated Satellite Network Platform for Experimental Measurements and Services: the CNIT Experience
F. Davoli, S. Vignola, S. Zappatore, A. Zinicola, CNIT, National Laboratory for Multimedia Communications, Italy, G. Nicolai, Aersat SpA, Italy, L. S. Ronga, CNIT, Università di Firenze, Italy
A GNSS-based Access Scheme for Mobile Satellite Communications
E. Russo, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy, E. Gill, DLR, Germany
A Feedback Suppression Model Using Representatives for Satellite Reliable Multicast Protocols
A. D. Panagopoulos, M. P. Anastasopoulos, P. G. Cottis, Wireless & Satellite Communications Group, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
16:00-16:30 - Room Auditorium Bachelet
Session CLOSE: Closing Ceremony
11th Ka and Broadband Conference Acknowledgements and Closing
Frank Gargione, 11th Ka and Broadband Conference General Chair, Satellite Systems Consultant, USA
Plans for 12th Ka and Broadband Conference
Franco Marconicchio, 11th Ka and Broadband Conference Technical Co-Chair, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Italy
ICSSC-2005 Acknowledgements: Survey Drawing and Closing
Thomas C. Butash, ICSSC-2005 General Chair, BAE Systems, USA
Plans for ICSSC-2006 and ICSSC-2007
Richard Houston, ICSSC-2006 General Chair, Jacobs Sverdrup, USA