September 15 - 18, 1997 Sorrento, Italy
Under the auspices of:
- ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
- CRC - Communications Research Centre, Canada
- CRL - Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
- ESA - European Space Agency
- Ministero delle Poste e Telecomunicazioni, Italy
- NASA - National Aeronautics & Space Administration, USA
- NASDA - National Space Development Agency, Japan
Program SCOPE
As we approach the Third Ka Band Utilization Conference, we see growing activity in the utilization of the Ka band spectrum. In the U.S., the FCC has granted licenses to all the applicants, and similar actions are being taken by the appropriate authorities around the world. Soon, therefore, we can expect public announcements about the modifications to the current Ka band filings, about contract awards and about alliances and partnerships to build systems that for the first time can be global thanks to common worldwide spectrum allocations.
It is certainly an exciting time for the satellite industry and for the proponents of the global village, whose dream is getting closer and closer to reality. This excitement is reflected by the response to our Call for Papers as evidenced by the quantity, quality and variety of topics which will provide four full days of presentations in the following areas:
- Systems
- Experimental Results
- Propagation
- Deep Space and Inter-Orbit Communications
- Component Developments
- Ground Systems
- Architecture and Protocols
- Regulatory Issues
- Market Perspectives
We hope that the above topics will stimulate your interest in joining us at the Conference, which we want to make the forum for all phases of technical and business activities related to Ka band.
F. Valdoni (Chairman) - IIC and Universita di Roma Tor Vergat
F. Bertoldi (Organization) - IIC
C. Cenami (Secretary) - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
F. Gargione - Lockheed Martin
F. Marconicchio - Agenzia Spaziale ItalianaTECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE
F. Valdoni (Co-Chairman) - ITC and Universita di Roma Tor Vergat
F.Gargione (Co-Chairman) - Lockheed Martin
F. Marconicchio (Co-Chairman) - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
E. Ashford - European Space Agency
F. Assal - Comsat Laboratories, retired
R. De Paula - NASA Headquarters
R. T. Gedney - Advanced Communications Technology
R. Huck - Communications Research Centre
R. M. Knight - NASA Lewis Research Center
N. Kadowaki - Communications Research LabCONFERENCE SECRETARIAT
IIC-Instituto Internationale delle Comunicazioni
Via Pertinace - Villa Piaggio
16125 GENOVA, ItalyPhone: +39 10 2722383
Fax: +39 10 2722183
E-mail: [email protected]
PROGRAM Monday, September 15, 1997
08:45 - Session 1: NEW Ka-BAND SYSTEMS
Evolution of the Astrolink System
R. Gobbi, A. Modelfino, F. Gargione, E. Elizondo,
Lockheed Martin Telecommunications, USACyberStar
K.R. Barker, E. Habib, R. G. Leamon, K.M. Price, W.H. Stiles,
Space Systems/LORAL, USAThe EuroSkyWay system for interactive multimedia and the relevant traffic management
G. Losquadro, M. Marinelli, Alenia Aerospazio, ItalyThe WEST Project: exploiting the Ka-band spectrum to develop the Global Information Infrastructure
B. Le Stradic, M. Vaissiere, 0. Bowles, Matra Marconi Space, United Kingdom10:05 - 10:20 - Coffee break
10:20 - Session 1: NEW Ka-BAND SYSTEMS
CELESTRI Ka-band Sharing
R.J. Leopold, K. Peterson, Motorola Satellite Communications, USAAsia SkyLink pencil beams system in providing High Bit Rate Data Transmission Asian big economic cities
A. Nugroho, T. Priyanto, PT Telckomunikasi Indonesia, IndonesiaSkystation communication system - communication payload description
M. Piacciani, Alenia Acrospazio, Italy11:20 - Session 2: Ka BAND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
A quantitative review of ACTS experiments operations
R. Bauer, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA
P. McMasters, Analex Corp., USAMultimedia application field trials results and analysis (Terrestrial-satellite integrated network using ITALSAT satellite)
G. La Gioia, M. Di Crescenzo, Nuova Telespazio, Italy
F. Panciroli, Telecom Italia, Italy
F. Aversa, Sinapsi, ItalyKa band satellite communication systems operating through NTT's communication satellite N-STAR
T. Otsu, K. Okada, Y. Fukuyo, M. Minomo, NTT Wireless Systems Laboratories, JapanTelemammography using Tl-rate satellite communications
R.J. Kerczewski, G.J. Chomos, D.H. Ngo, D.T. Tran, Q.K. Tran,
NASA Lewis Research Center, USA
B.A. Kachmar, P.J Mallasch, Analex Corporation, USA
S. J Dwyer III, University of Virginia, USA
W.A. Chilcote, D.W. Piraino, K.A. Powell, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USAGround measurement of transmission characteristics of high speed TC8PSK modulation in a frequency around 21 GHz using COMETS
M. Iguchi, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan13:10 - 14:15 - Lunch
Interim findings of ACTS Ka-band propagation campaign
N. Golshan, JPL, USAITALSAT propagation experiment: an update on the available results
A. Paraboni, C. Riva, CSTS-CNR, ItalyCOMETS propagation experiments
C. Ohuchi, H. Saitoh, H. Imai, Communications Research Laboratory, JapanMeasurements of attenuation and cross-polar discrimination performed using the ITALSAT propagation beacons at 18.7, 40 and 50 Ghz
A. Martellucci, F. Barbaliscia, A. Aresu, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, ItalyMobile propagation measurements at Ka-band: statistical results
S. Buonomo, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, ESA ESTEC-XEP, The Netherlands
L. D'Amato, CSELT, Italy16:00 - 16:15 - Coffee break
Utilization of narrow-directed Ka-band wavebeams within the framework of terrestrial systems
G.A. Andreyev, S.A. Ogarev, G.I. Khokhlov, Russian Academy of Science, RussiaFilter influence on ACTS fade duration and fade slope statistics
H. Helmken, Florida Atlantic University, USA
J. Feil, L. Ippolito, Stanford Telecom, USA
R. Henning, University of South Florida, USA
S. Horan, New Mexico State University, USA
C. Mayer, University of Alaska, USARain fade compensation alternatives for Ka-band communication satellites
R.J. Acosta, NASA Lewis Research Center, USAEffective use of rain fade compensation for Ka band satellites
R.T. Gedney, Advanced Communications Technology, USAPropagation considerations for low margin Ka-band systems
L.J. Ippolito, Stanford Telecom, USA
Tuesday, September 16, 1997
Ka-band transponders for Data Relay Test Satelllite (DRTS)
M. Amano, S. Suzuki, M. Nakazawa, K. Hirasawa, NEC, Japan
S. Kosugi, Y. Sudou, M. Nakai, NASDA, JapanMars Global Surveyor Ka-band link experiment (MGS/KaBLE)
S. Butman, D. Morabito, A. Mittskus, J. Border, J Berner,
C. Whetsel, M. Gatti, C. Foster, V. Vilnrotter, H. Cooper,
A. Del Castillo, A. Kwok, J. Weese, M. Speranza, JPL, USA
R. Davis, W. Adams, A. McMechen, Lockheed Martin Astronautics, USA
C. Goodson, G. Bury, D. Recce, Allied Signal Technical Services, USAKa-band ENVISAT - Data relay satellite system
J. Mas Albaiges, K. Falbe-Hansen, ESTEC, The NetherlandsNASA Ka-band Single Access (KaSA) service in the year 2000+
A. Comberiate, M. Feldman, E. Lowe, B. Younes,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
R. Chang, Stanford Telecom, USAFeasibility of a phased array antenna for dual TDRS/direct-to-ground Ka-band communications
D. Zillig, K. Perko, B. Younes, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
M. Burns, G. Welti, Stanford Telecom, USA10:15 - 10:30 - Coffee break
Key technology for DTRS Ka band data relay experiments
Y. Kanamori, S. Kosugi, NASDA, JapanThe status of Ka-band communications for future deep space missions
C.D. Edwards, L. Deutsch, M. Gatti, J. Layland, J. Perret,
C. Stelzried, JPL, USAProtection of TDRSS H,I,J from the emissions of point--to-multipoint fixed service systems in the 25.25-27.5 GHz band
J.E. Miller, Stanford Telecom, USA
B. Younes, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USAKa-band antenna and receiver for inter orbit link communication of DRTS
M. Yamato, T. Sagara, H. Aruga, T. Ishizu, H. Mizutomari,
Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
S. Kosugi, Y. Sudo, M. Nakai, NASDA, JapanThe ARTEMIS feeder link section for earth - LEO communication paths
S. Piazza, A. Pullara, T. Sassorossi, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy12:15 - 13:50 - Lunch
GaAs low noise and high power MMIC amplifiers for Ka-band applications
T. Ishikawa, S.I. Fujimoto, T. Ishida, T. Katoh, H. Hoshi,
Y. Sasaki, Y. Mitsui, S. Chaki, T. Kunii, M. Konzaru,
M. Funada, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, JapanCASSINI Mission: exploration of the Saturn system. A coherent Ka-band translator for radio science experiments
B. Perrot, R. Giordani, Alenia Aerospazio, ItalyA study of Ka-band active phased array antenna for Gigabit satellite communications
N. Kadowaki, M. Yamamoto, R. Imai,
Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
Y. Koishi, Y. Kuriyama, N. Miyano, H. Syoki, Toshiba, JapanThe Multi-Media PreProcessor. A SAW-based analog processing technique to optimize digital demultiplexing requirements in wideband digital OBP satellites
K. Lazaris-Brunner, G. Beauchamp, B. Tailor, COM DEV, CanadaHigh data rate on board switching
C. Ponzoni, F. Longoni, Laben, ItalyKa-band LEO user terminal transponder
P. Van Loock, Alcatel Bell NV, Belgium16:00 - 16:15 - Coffee break
16:15 - Session 8: PROPAGATION MODELS
Characterization of atmospheric attenuation in the absence of rain in Europe in SHF/EHF bands for VSAT satcoms systems applications
F. Barbaliscia, M. Boumis, A. Martellucci, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, ItalyRain cell size statistics inferred from long term point rain rate: model and results
E. Matricciani, A. Pawlina Bonati, Centro di Studio
sulle Telecomunicazioni Spaziali CNR, ItalyDetection of Ka band fades for countermeasures on Earth-Satellites link
B.C. Gremont, A.P. Gallois, S.D. Bate, Coventry University, United KingdomA fractal attenuation model for the Ka band
F. Potorti, CNUCE-CNR, ItalyComparison of multiple rain attenuation models with three years of Ka band propagation data concurrently taken at eight different locations
G. Feldhake, L. Ailes, Stanford Telecom, USA18:00 - 19:00 - Workshop on ITALSAT PROPAGATION EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
19:45 - Cocktail party in "Villa Pompeiana" offered by Alenia Spazio
Wednesday, September 17, 1997
Ka-band low spurious drain mixer for low noise receivers
Y. Isota, K. toh, G. Toyoshima, M. Funada, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, JapanDirect I&Q to Ka-band PSK modem
C. Pike, P. Tardif, D. Drolet, Communications Research Centre, CanadaDevelopments at ESA of on-board RF equipment in support of future Ka-band "multimedia" missions
S. Badessi, European Space Agency, The NetherlandsPhased array technology for circularly polarized Ka-band satellite antennas
D.J. Roscoe, R. Douville, A. Ittipiboon, Communications Research Centre, Canada
J.F. Rivard, SPAR Aerospace, Canada
L. Shafai, A. Sebak, J. Carrie, M. Macki, University of Manitoba, Canada
J. Wight, D. McPherson, E. Guetre, Carleton University, Canada
L. Chow, University of Waterloo, CanadaMobile antenna systems for Japan's test satellite "COMETS"
H. Saito, N. Obara, C. Ohuchi, M. Takeuchi, Communications Research Laboratory, JapanKa-band microwave power module for multimedia services
L. Nebuloni, A. Trivulzio, FIAR, ItalyA Ka-band active phased array antenna for Gigabit satellite
H. Nakaguro, S. Kitao, R. Yonezawa, H. Mizutamari, A. Akaishi,
Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Japan
N. Kadowaki, R. Imai, M. Yamamoto, CRL, Japan10:55 - 11:10 - Coffee break
Ground segment architecture for Ka-band multimedia satellite system
G. Albano, A. Puccio, Nuova Telespazio, ItalyVersatile RF front end for small Ka-band ground terminals
J.L. Fikart, IMT Communications Systems, CanadaSystem design and applications of ultra small aperture terminal with the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
R. C. Reinhart, Analex Corp. c/o NASA Lewis Reserch Center, USAInfluence of sky noise temperature and propagation phase noise on VSAT design at millimetre-wave frequencies
S. Senin, C. Catalan, E. Vilar, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom12:35 - 14:00 - Lunch
"Eurosphere", an alternative System Design Approach
L. Peeters, Alcatel Telecom, BelgiumKa-band satellite communications: the issues attending provision of a diverse mix of quality services
F.J. Ross, N. Al-Dhahir, R.L. Frey, M.L. Graab, M.J. Hartman,
J.E. Hershey, E.T Saulnier, General Electric Corporate Research
and Development Center, USA
J. Esposito, R. LaRosa, General Electric American Communications, USAOn-board ATM switching system for Ka-band Gigabit communications technology satellite
N. Kadowaki, R. Imai, M. Yamamoto, Communications Research Laboratory, JapanA Global Integrated Personal Satellite Multimedia Environment (GIPSE): communications for the next millennium
A. Sammut, I. Mertzanis, R. Tafazolli, B. Evans, University of Surrey, United KingdomHybrid satellite and terrestrial communication system for interactive multimedia services
E. Russo, D. Di Zenobio, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, ItalyInteractive channel for multimedia services: the demonstrations via ITALSAT satellite
F. Carducci, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy16:05 - 16:20 - Coffee break
16:20 - Session 12: ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOCOLS (2)
ANIS: ATM node in the Sky. A pragmatic approach for an on-board ATM switching
J. Bouin, I. Buret, C. Regal, R. Lenormand, P. Very, T. Zein, Alcatel Espace, France
M. Dieudonne, Alcatel CIT, FranceKa-band system design and rain attenuation
J. Jay Jones, J.D. Hopponen, Lockheed Martin Telecommunications, USAAn experimental ATM-like fast packet switch for a future military communication payload
W. Buerkle, M. Trefz, Bosch Telecom, GermanyHigh-speed TCP/IP and ATM over NASA's Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)
D. Beering, Amoco Corp, USA
D. Brooks,, Sterling Software, USA
D. Hoder, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA
A. Welch, Compuserve, USAProtocol architecture scenarios for satellite and B-ISDN network integration
J. Mertzanis, R. Tafazolli, B.G. Evans, University of Surrey, United Kingdom20:00 - Banquet in the Gala Dining Room "St. Antonio" offered by Lockheed Martin
Thursday, September 18, 1997
08:30 - Session 13: ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOCOLS (3)
Satellite ATM network architectural considerations for multimedia services
S. Kota, Lockheed Martin Telecommunications, USAEnhancing end to end performance of information services over Ka-band global satellite networks
K. Bhasin, D. Glover, W. Ivancic, T. VonDeak, NASA Lewis Research Center, USAATM-based high data rate satellite communications experiment using N-STAR
N. Yoshimura, T. Takahashi, N. Kadowaki, T Ikegami, Communications Research Laboratory, JapanCDMA, the alternative multiple access in SECOMS
C. Valadon, P. Taaghol, B.G. Evans, R. Tafazolli, University of Surrey, United KingdomProcessing payload considerations for wideband satellite systems
S. Linsky, E. Wiswell, J. Freitag, TRW, USA10:15 - 10:30 - Coffee break
10:30 - Session 14: REGULATORY ISSUES
On a semi-analytical tool to characterize interference between GEO and Non-GEO systems
M. Caron, D. Andean, D.J. Hindson, Communications Research Centre, CanadaKa-band technology transfer and commercialization efforts in support of the NASA strategic plan
J. Deskevich, P. Caruso, K. L. Perko, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
A. Roytblat, Stanford Telecommunications, USAModeling narrowband interference into wideband links at Ka band
M. Kelley, Stanford Telecommunications, USAPotential impact of WTO basic telecommunications agreement on global Ka-band satellite systems
S.M. Lopatkiewicz, Reed Smith Shaw & McClay, USACommercial Ka-band system support for NASA missions
B. Younes, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
S. Chang, M. Burns, L. Harrell, Stanford Telecom, USAReport on interference studies between an Iridium MSS feeder link and GSO Ka band satellite network
K. Engle, R. Kubik, Motorola Satellite Communications, USA12:35 - 14:10 - Lunch
14:10 - Session 15: MARKET PERSPECTIVES (1)
Overview of global Ka-band filings
W.L. Morgan, Communications Center, USAMarketing, regulatory, strategic and technical aspects of Ka-band satellites and networks
J.L. Rose, N. Rudd, Communications Systems, United KingdomBusiness review of the new multimedia satellite systems
R.J. Rusch, TelStra Engineering Consultants, USAKa band satellite systems: a new commercial opportunity for telecommunications operators
M. Zilli, P. Binelli, Telecom Italia, ItalyA national KaBand satellite communications system for the United States 11
W.T. Brandon, The MITRE, USA
J.A. Evans,, Air Force Electronic Systems Center, USA15:55 - 16:10 - Coffee break
16:10 - Session 16: MARKET PERSPECTIVES (2)
EuroSkyWay: market perspectives and business potentials
M. Sforza, Elsacom, ItalyF. Rispoli, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy
The future of satellite communications systems
P. Bargellini, USAAdvanced satellite communications and the European Commission
W. Schroeter, European Commission, Belgium17:15 - Conference Wrap-up