November 2 - 4, 1998 Venice, Italy
Fourth Ka-Band Utilization Conference 1998 Program
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Program Scope

As we prepare the program for the fourth edition of our conference, it is natural to reflect on some of the changes affecting our field of activity, since a number of significant events have taken place this past year that are bound to have a profound impact on the future of satellite communications:

The high level of activity is not reflected in our session on systems because the designers and market analysts have not finalized their work. On the contrary, we have a variety of papers on architecture and protocols, propagation, components and ground systems, indicating that the necessary ingredients to the realization of Ka Band systems are being developed and will be available to support the systems when they are defined.
In contrast to the past, this year we have scheduled some sessions to run concurrently in order to accommodate the papers received and to avoid overlap with the start of EMPS '98.
We hope that this will not cause any inconvenience to our attendees.
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Steering Committee

F. Valdoni (Chairman) - IIC and Universita di Roma Tor Vergat
F. Bertoldi (Organization) - IIC
C. Cenami (Secretary) - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
F. Gargione - Lockheed Martin
F. Marconicchio - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Technical Program Committee

F. Valdoni (Co-Chairman) - Universita di Roma Tor Vergat
F.Gargione (Co-Chairman) - Lockheed Martin
F. Marconicchio (Co-Chairman) - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
W. Brandon - Mitre Corporation
R. De Paula - NASA Headquarters
P. De Santis - INTELSAT
H.H. Fromm - European Space Agency
R. T. Gedney - Advanced Communications Technology
N. Golsham - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
J. Rigley - Communications Research Centre
P. Vrotsos - NASA Lewis Research Center
N. Kadowaki - Communications Research Lab.


IIC-Instituto Internationale delle Comunicazioni
Via Pertinace - Villa Piaggio
16125 GENOVA, Italy

Phone: +39 010 2722383
Fax: +39 010 2722183
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Monday, November 2, 1998

08:00 - Registration

08:30 - Opening

08:40 - Session 1: SYSTEMS

Intelsat's broadband system studies
B. Bertrand Rojat, P. De Santis, Intelsat,USA

The development status of the Gigabit Communications Technology Satellite
N. Kadowaki, H. Okazawa, T. Araki, R. Imai, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan

Evolution of the West system
N. Bourdier, M. Franchini, Matra Marconi Space, France

Astrolink - System overview and program execution S. Griffin, R. Gobbi, A. Boyden, Lockheed Martin, USA

TRW's global EHF satellite network
H. Ho, E.Wiswell, P. Stenzel, J. Freitag,
P. Hadinger, TRW Space and Electronics Group, USA

The EuroSky Way worldwide system providing broadband service to fixed and mobile end-users
F. Carducci, G. Losquadro, G. Matarazzo,
M. Protto, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy

10:40 - 11:00 - Coffee break

11:00 - Room A Session 2 - EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

A hybrid satellite/terrestrial network linking Europe and North America
J. Hamilton, CRC, Canada

The final phase of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite
R. Bauer, R. Krawczyk, M. Zernic, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA

Ka-band advanced satellite broadcasting experiments using COMETS
T. Takahashi, K. Iigusa, M. Okawa, M. Iguchi, H. Wakana, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
H.Ohashi, NASDA, Japan

End-to-End broadband satellite service demonstrations at K/Ka band on fixed and mobile environment
C. Des Dorides, G. Losquadro, E. Schena, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy

Applications performance over Ka-band high data rate ATM satellite link
N. Yoshimura, T. Takahashi, N. Kadowaki, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan

Field trials results of telemedicine and teleducation via satellite
G. La Gioia, Telespazio, Italy

13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch

14:.00 - Room A - Session 3: PROPAGATION (1)

WET antenna effect on Ka-band low margin systems
R. J. Acosta, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA

ACTS sub-tropical seasonal and diurnal Ka-band statistics
H. Helmken, Florida Atlantic University, USA
R. Henning, University of South Florida, USA

Summary of propagation results obtained in 5 years of Italsat experiment in Milano
G. Masini, M. Mauri, A. Paraboni, R. Polonio, C. Riva, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

ACTS fade compensation algorithm impact on VSAT Bit Error Rate (BER) performance in different rain zones
C. B. Cox, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA
T.A. Coney, Analex, USA

Interim findings of ACTS Ka-band propagation campaign
N. Golshan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

Fade mitigation techniques for new Satcom services at KU-band and above: a review
L. Castanet, J. Lemorton, ONERA-CERT, France
M. Bousquet, SupAero, France

16:00 - 16:20 - Coffee break

16:20 - Room A - Session 4: ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOCOLS (1)

The ESA OBP on-board request handler: an on-board switch for efficient handling of packet switched traffic
M. Cot», P. Coutu, SPAR Aerospace, Canada
G. Garofalo, ESA, The Netherlands

Satellite multiple access techniques for efficient WWW communications
R. T. Gedney, Advanced Communications Technology (ACT), USA

Quality of service - oriented protocols for resource management in packet-switched satellites
A. Iuoras, P. Takats, C. Black, R. Di Girolamo, SPAR Aerospace, Canada
A. Wibowo, J. Lambadaris, M. Devetsikiotis, Carleton University, Canada

TCP/IP transport over satellites: problems and proposed solutions
D. R. Glover, NASA Lewis Research Center,USA
F. Gargione, Lockheed Martin, USA

The multi-rate MFTDMA technique and its validation for regenerative EHF Satellite payloads
G. Gallinaro, A. Vernucci, Space Engineering, Italy

Tele-medecine services on Ka band
E. Del Re, L. Pierucci, Universit# di Firenze, Italy

16:20 - Room B - Session 5: PROPAGATION (2)

The spatial structure of rain and its impact on the design of advanced TLC systems
A. Paraboni, G. Masini, C. Riva, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Transformation of beacon attenuation statistics into C/No statistics
C. Catalan, E. Vilar, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

World wide maps of the atmospheric excess path lenght
F. Barbaliscia, M. Boumis, A. Martellucci, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy

A comparison of predicting Ka band path attenuation with scaled data and with propagation models
G. S. Feldhake, ACS/Stanford Telecom, USA

World wide maps of non rainy attenuation for low-margin satcom systems operating in SH/EHF frequency bands
F. Barbaliscia, M. Boumis, A. Martellucci, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy

19:00 Welcome Cocktail

Tuesday, November 3, 1998

08:30 - Room A Session 6: GROUND SYSTEMS

Development and performance of the ACTS high speed VSAT
R. Dendy, J. Quintana, Q. Tran, NASA, USA

Lessons learned from the ACTS TI VSAT experiments program
S. K. Johnson, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA

New antenna concept for efficient Ka-band terminal operations in rain
M.M.Z. Kharadly, A.Y. Chan, University of British Colombia, Canada

Ground segment architecture for Ka Band constellations
G. La Gioia, Telespazio, Italy

Satellite Webtone - Part 2: Multimedia access units for enterprises and prosumers
S. Cohn, S.G. Rayment, NORTEL, Canada

Gateway diversity in Ka-band systems
H. Skinnemoen, Nera SatCom, Norway

Canadian Space Agency advanced Satcom program: multimedia Satellite Access Unit program
C. Dupuis, G. Boudreau, NORTEL, Canada
J. Landovskis, SPAR, Canada
M. Schefter, IMT ComSys, Canada
F. Markhauser, Telesat, Canada

08:30 - Room B - Session 7: PROPAGATION (3)

Aeronautical channel characterisation measurements at Ka band
M. Holzbock, A. Jahn, O. Gremillet, German Aerospace Centre, Germany

Widearea joint probability of rain attenuation useful to design satellite system with a common on-board resource: experimental results obtained with the synthetic storm technique in Italy
E. Matricciani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Global predictions of slant path attenuation on Earth-Space links at EHF
C. Wrench, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom

Worst-month statistics of rain attenuation in a satellite link at 19.77 GHZ: Experimental results derived with the synthetic storm technique for the station Gera Lario
E. Matricciani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Prediction of Ka-band satellite communication link performance in Indonesia
B. Hanantasena, PT Indosat, Indonesia
M. Salehudin, H. Suharto, A Purnomo, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

10:30 - 10:50 - Coffee Break

10:50 - Room A - Session 8: ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOCOL (2)

On board traffic management
C. Ponzoni, F. Ciceri, Laben,Italy
G. Albertengo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

MPEG-2 over ATM satellite Qos experiments: laboratory tests
W. D. Ivancic, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA
B.D. Frantz, Sterling Software, USA
M.J. Spells, Florida State University, USA

Air interface design for the provision of multimedia services to compact user terminals: the SWAID Project
C. Valadon, R. Tafazolli, B.G. Evans, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
G. Huggins, Matra Marconi Space, United Kingdom

Management of FCM resources by an OSI data link layer protocol
P. Zong, M. Filip, B.C. Gremont, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom

A new approach to the design and dimensioning of CDMA regenerative payloads
C. Valadon, G. Verelst, P. Taaghol, R. Tafazolli, B.G. Evans, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Aeronautical traffic characterisation in multi-spot beam geostationary satellite environment
L. Zhang, R.E. Sheriff, University of Bradford, United Kingdom

10:50 - Room B - Session 9: Deep space

The use of Ka-band in the David small mission
M. Ruggieri, S. Greco, A. Paraboni, E. Saggese, C. Bonifazi, Universit# di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

The Mars Global Surveyor Ka-band link experiment (MGS/KaBLE-II)
D. Morabito, S. Butman, S. Shambayati, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

Ka band interorbit communication system in Japanese experiment module of international space station
Y. Hasegawa, S. Tsuchiya, Y. Toukaku, NASDA, Japan
H. Kato, Y. Miyata, H. Kumagai, K. Kurihara, NEC, Japan

Radioastronomy and the active services in Ka band
D. Morris, Institut Radioastronomie Millims'trique, France

Analysis of 31.4GHz atmospheric noise temperature measurements
S. Shambayati, S. J. Keihm, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

Technical and regulatory activities to enable the use of the 25.5 - 27.0 GHz band for Earth observing satellite downlinks
B. Younes, R.. Flaherty, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
L. Harrell, J. Miller, Stanford Telecom, USA

Bandwidth efficient modulation and coding schemes for future NASA Ka-band space communications B. Younes, D. Zillig, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
M. Burns, R. Chang, G. Welti, Stanford Telecom, USA

12:50 - 14:00 - Lunch


Development of wideband High-power amplifier for Ka band Multimedia applications
L. Bardelli, P. Capece, R. Giubilei, M. Spagnulo, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy

New generation of highly efficient Ka-band TWTs 15 to 140
R. Christ, E. Bosch, Thomson Tubes Electroniques, Germany
F. Andr' Thomson Tubes Electroniques, France

Ka-band TWTA and MPM power amplifiers for multimedia satellites applications
L. Nebuloni, A. Trivulzio, FIAR, Italy

1 Watt Ka-band (27-31GHz) MMIC power amplifier
S. Lee, Y.E. Kim, Y.S. Choe, Hyundai Electronics, Korea

Development results about partial model of Ka-band active phased array antenna for Gigabit satellite
S. Kitao, H. Nakaguro, H. Mizutami, A. Akaishi, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan
N. Kadowaki, CRL, Japan
R. Imai, NASDA, Japan

Preliminary performance measurements on a 20 Ghz five-port direct receiver
D.Hindson, X. Huang, M. de L s'leuc, M. Caron, Communications Research Centre, Industry Canada, Canada

16:00 - 16:20 - Coffee break

16:20 - ROOM A - Round Table "What is the role of Governments in the development of the new global multimedia systems?"

20:00 - Conference Banquet

Wednesday, November 4, 1998


Cell vs circuit switched and bent pipe payload architectures
J. Prieto, R. Nuber, E. Wiswell, J. Myers, J. Freitag, TRW Space and Electronics Group, USA

The mobile broadband system: complementing the satellite with terrestrial components for the provision of an "Anytime and Anywhere" Service
M. Barbieri, G. Losquadro, Alenia Aerospazio, Italy

End-to-end resource management for ATM on-board processor
C. Rosenberg, Nortel, United Kingdom

Satellite-ATM networking and call performance evaluation for multimedia broadband service
I. Mertzanis, G. Sfikas, R. Tafazolli, B.G. Evans, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Satellite Webtone network architectures for the millennium
D. McCaughan, G. Johanson, Nortel, USA
W. Lo, Nortel Wireless Systems Engineering,
C. Rosenberg, Nortel Broadband Satellite Networking, United Kingdom

Use of virtual network simulator in satellite and terrestrial interoperability testbed
E. Hsu, K. Scott, B. Kwan et al., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

An fully integrated air interface signalling and protocol for ATM via satellite
B. Fan, R. Tafazolli, B. G. Evans, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

08:30 - ROOM B - Session 12: Component development (2)

High efficiency feeds for Ka-band multimedia satellites
R. Pokuls, SPAR Aerospace, Canada

Ka-band transponders engineering model development result for DRTS
S. Suzuki, M. Amano, K. Hirasawa, M. Nakazawa, S. Kosugi, Y. Sudo, M. Nakai, NEC, Japan

High rate user phased array antenna for small LEO satellites
J. Warshowsky, Harris Corp., USA

High speed on-board digital modulator for wideband regenerative - OBP satellites
M. Wlodyka, COM DEV, Canada

HUB/Space MCD equipment
E. Ahad, M. Cot», M. Keelty, Spar Aerospace, Canada

Satellite interface modems for interactive multimedia terminals
M. Keelty, J. Landovskis, Y. Le Masson, Spar Aerospace, Canada

10:30 - 10:50 - Coffee break

10:50 - ROOM A - Session 12: REGULATORY AND MARKET

An approach to the cost evaluation of multimedia services in Ka-band satellites
G. Bonaventura, P. Conversi, M. Naldi, Telecom Italia,Italy
A. Cavallaro, CSELT, Italy

Technical and business review of the latest broadband satellite systems
R. J. Rusch, C. Emmert, The TA Group, USA

NASA potential use of commercial systems for Ka-band space operations
B. Younes, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,USA
S. Chang, T. Berman, R. Lease, R. Chang, Stanford Telecom, USA

Ka-band satellite design considerations
W. Morgan, Communications Center, USA

The use of Ariane 5 for the deployment of constellations
A. Scotti, Arianespace, France

The regulatory status of the Ka-band
P. Dumont, Matra Marconi Space,France

12:50- Closing remarks

13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch

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