Abstracts & Papers
Authors are invited to submit one-page abstracts
by April 26, 2006.
Abstracts must include the title, the author's name,
affiliation, full postal address, phone and fax numbers,
e-mail address and indicate the lead author.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail on May 22, 2006. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit the final copy-ready papers prepared following the instruction given in the template below ( maximum file size: 3Mb ) by July 20, 2006.
A short biography of the speaker should be included in the appropriate box of the paper uploading system. The biography will be provided to the Session’s Chair.
Submission of the paper will be accepted only if at least one author's registration fee is received by 20 July 2006.
For a fast, accurate submission, we highly recommend that you have your abstract/paper converted into a PDF file prior to submission. If this is not possible, Microsoft Word® for Windows® format is acceptable.
If you prepare a different version (using color) for inclusion in the CD-ROM, it has to be sent in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat to .
Authors are responsible for obtaining all needed sponsor, employer and/or government approvals of the abstract or paper with sufficient time to avoid last-minute withdrawals. Authors whose abstract have been accepted have to confirm their willingness to submit and present their paper by June 5, 2006.