Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni IIC
  versione italiana
In 1962, a group made up of private corporation and istitutions' authorities voted the IIC (International Institute for Communications) to be settled in Genoa Italy...
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home >Board of Directors

Ugo MARCHESE (President)

Fabio CAPOCACCIA (Vice President)
VANNUCCHI (Vice President)
Alberto CAPPATO (General Manager)

Representative nominated by Founding Members:
Prof. Franco DAVOLI Representative of the Municipality of Genoa
Dott. Gianni MIGLIORINO Representative of the Municipality of Genoa
Dott. Romano MERLO
Representative of Chamber of Commerce of Genoa
Dott. Roberto URBANI
Representative of International Fear of Genoa
Prof. Giancarlo PARODI Representative of University of Genoa
Ing. Francesco BASSO
Representative of Province of Genoa
Ing. Franco DENOTH Representative of Research National Council
Dott. Luigi ROBBA
Representative of Port Authority of Genoa
Dott. Walter BERTINI Representative of Liguria Region
Membro di diritto:
Ing. Fabio CAPOCACCIA President of the Scientific Council and IIC Vice President
Membri nominati:
Ing Gianni CIACCASASSI (Telecom Italia) Representative of Members
Dott. Stefano ZARA (Assindustria) Representative of Members
Ing. Giuseppe CUNEO
(Elsag Spa)
Representative of Members

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