Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni IIC
  versione italiana
In 1962, a group made up of private corporation and istitutions' authorities voted the IIC (International Institute for Communications) to be settled in Genoa Italy...
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Over 150 conferences of international importance have been held since 1962 in the communications sector on topics such as: telecommunications; computer science; theory of communications; techniques for spreading information; multimediality; sea, land and air transportation.
A dynamic and flexible structure with a highly qualified scientific board, IIC is at work for its partners and important international scientific institutions organizing logistical aspects and coordinating scientific matters.


- ECOC 2003
- 9th Ka and Broadband Coomunication Conference
- VTC 2004

Related Links

- Scientific Councile Composition
- Conferences list since 1962 (.doc)
- ka band archive

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