The Steering Committee of the Seventh Ka-Band Utilization Conference, in order to defray the costs of the Conference, is soliciting financial support from the commercial organizations that could benefit the most from the work of the Conference. This support can be a general sponsorship of $3,000.00 which entitles the sponsor to the following:
We hope that you find it possible to support this Conference and we would appreciate knowing of your intent to advertise by April 30, 2001. The copy-ready logo and advertisement, along with the payment, should arrive by June 30, 2001 to: IIC-Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni phone +39 010 2722383 Previous Sponsors:
Advertisement: Color: Negatives right-reading; emulsion side down; maximum color density 280%; 133-line screen. Proofs required on 4-color process (Chromalin or matchprint) - No tearsheets, please. Black-and-white: Camera-ready negatives or copy. Negatives must be opaqued, right-reading; emulsion side down; 133-line screen; 100 line on veloxes. Trim size: 210 x 297 mm. Type:160 x 247 mm. Logo: See black-and-white ad instructions (logo on proceedings and bags WILL NOT BE printed in color). Size: 50 x 150 mm (maximum). |