Wednesday, September 26, 2001
09:15 - 9:30
Opening Remarks (Portofino Room)
F. Valdoni, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy F. Marconicchio, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy F. Gargione, Satellite Systems Consultant, USA
09:30 -11:00
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 1: New and Updated Systems Chairperson: R.T. Gedney, Advanced Communications Technology, USA
A Robust, High Performance Network Provided by Astrolink D.S. Rosener, J.D. Grant, I.M. McCain, R.L. Gobbi, Astrolink International, USA; H.L. Berger, S. Gupta, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
Broadband Payloads for the Emerging Ka-Band Market M. Bever, S. Willoughby, E. Wiswell, K. Ho, S. Linsky, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
Extending ACTS Operations Through a University-Based Consortium R. Bauer, R. Krawczyk, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA; D. Irwin,
H. Kruse, Ohio University, USA
The Communications System of the German Multimedia Demonstration Experiment MEDIS W. Milcz, P. Rieger, Bosch SatCom, Germany
EUTELSAT Ka-Band Applications H.T. Fenech, E. Weller, A. Pujante, E. Lance, S. Agnelli, E. Feltrin, EUTELSAT, France
Assessment of Joint Scientific Experiments in the DAVID Mission A. Paraboni, C. Capsoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; M. Ruggieri, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; C. Bonifazi, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy; M. Pratesi, CNIT-Parma, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:15
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 2: New and Updated Systems II Chairperson: F. Marconicchio, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
Koreasat Ka-Band System for Multimedia Services Y.-W. Kwon, C.-W. Kim, Y.-J. Yoon, H. Hwangbo, Korea Telecom, Korea
NASA Ka-Band Transition Systems for Near Earth Communications - Capabilities and Demonstrations D. Zillig, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA; M. Burns, J. Brase, ITT Industries, USA
Ka Band Interorbit Communication System in Japanese Experiment Module - Control for the RF Radiation to the ISS T. Ito, Y. Hasegawa, J. Sakai, F. Kawamata, NASDA, Japan; K. Kurihara, NEC Engineering, Japan
Combined Use of Italsat and Globalstar Satellite Systems for Monitoring and Disaster Recovery Purposes M. Luglio, F. Vatalaro, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy; G. Nicolai, L. Splendorini, Elsacom, Italy; L. Zuliani, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
Development of Data Relay Test Satellite (DRTS) Inter-Orbit Communication Equipment (ICE) Proto-Flight Model (PFM) S. Kosugi, Y. Sudo, NASDA, Japan; N. Batori, N. Hotta, MELCO, Japan; M. Amano, NEC Networks, Japan
Integrated Broadcast Interactive System - IBIS J. de la Plaza, Alcatel Espacio, Spain
ITU-R Studies of Sharing between Space Systems and Terrestrial Systems in the 25.25-27.5 GHz Band B. Younes, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA; J.E. Miller, S.M. Chang, ITT Industries, USA
13:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 3: Experimental Results Chairperson: R. Bauer, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Trans-Pacific HDR Satellite Communications Experiment, Phase-2 Results Summary E. Hsu, C. Hung, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA; R.desJardins, M. Foster, R. Gilstrap, L. Chao, NASA Research and Education Network, USA; M. Gill, H. Tatsumi, National Library of Medicine and Sapporo Medical University, Japan; B. Edelson, N. Helm, A. Mac Rae, George Washington University, USA; N. Kadowaki, N. Yoshimura, T. Takahashi, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan; P. Gary, P.Lang, K. Kranacs, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA; P. Shopbell, G. Walzer, D. Wellnitz, California Institute of Technology and University of Maryland, USA; G. Gargione, Satellite Systems Consultant, USA
ITALSAT F1 Global Payload Utilisation for Broadband Communication Application Experiments V. Schena, G. Losquadro, Alenia Spazio, Italy
Ka-Band Land-Mobile Satellite Communications Using ACTS C. Pike, C. Desormeaux, Industry Canada-Communications Research Centre, Canada
A Tele-Education Oriented Experiment Based on an Integrated Terrestrial/Satellite Network D. Adami, CNIT-University of Pisa, Italy; P. Castoldi, CNIT-National Photonic Networks Laboratory, Italy; M. Marchese, CNIT-University of Genova, Italy; A. Morelli, CNIT-University of Parma, Italy; L.S. Ronga, CNIT-University of Firenze, Italy
Ka-Band and X-Band Observations of the Solar Corona Acquired During Superior Conjunctions Using Interplanetary Spacecraft D. Morabito, S. Shambayati, S. Finley, D. Fort, J. Taylor. K. Moyd, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
17:00 - 17:30
Coffee Break
18:00 - 19:30
(Portofino Room)
Celebration of the Centennial of Marconi's First Transatlantic Transmission
F. Gargione, Satellite Systems Consultant, USA F. Valdoni, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy G. Berretta, EUTELSAT, France F. Marconicchio, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
(Poolside Restaurant of the Grand Hotel Miramare)
Welcome Cocktail Reception
Thursday, September 27, 2001
08:30 - 10:30
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 4: Propagation Chairperson: A. Paraboni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Results from Five Years of Rain Rate Measurements A. Rocha, University of Aveiro, Portugal; J.C. Neves, Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal
Eight Years of ITALSAT Copolar Attenuation Statistics at Spino d'Adda A. Paraboni, C. Riva, L. Valbonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; M. Mauri, Centro Studi per le Telecomunicazioni Spaziali, CNR - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Ka-Band Rain Attenuation Estimation Using Weather Radar A. Dissanayake, K.-T. Lin, LMGT, USA
Florida ACTS Diversity Measurements at Ka-Band H. Helmken, Florida Atlantic University, USA; R. Henning, University of South Florida, USA
Theoretical Versus Empirical Results for Site Diversity Studies in a Subtropical Region C. Emrich, Florida Solar Energy Center, USA; R. Acosta, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Extension of Existing Models for Evaluating Site Diversity Performance for Rain Fade Mitigation J. Stafford, N. Terril, ITT Industries, USA
08:30 -10:30
(Tigullio Room)
SESSION 5: Advances in Components Chairperson: R. J. Kerczewwski, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
CNT - ASI Project: Integration of Multimedia Services on Satellite
Connected Heterogeneous Networks - CDMA DSP Multirate Modem - Hardware Architecture and Implementation P. Antognoni, E. Sereni, CNIT-University of Perugia, Italy; S. Carlini, M. Scafi, Digilab 2000, Italy
A Fully Integrated Multi-Frequency Modulator Assembly for Ka-Band Multimedia Missions M. Spinnler, V. Lahr, Bosch SatCom, Germany
Broadband Packet Switch Processor S. Mishima, L. Moy-Yee, G. Yee-Madera, E. Yousefi, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
Broadband Multibeam FDMA/TDMA Digital Channelizer/Demodulator D. Carrozza, E. Homier, R. Jue, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
Compact Frequency Converters for a Ka-Band Telecommunications Satellite Payload F.C. Tramm, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
Status of New Six-Port Receivers J.J. Brault, K. Wu, R.G. Bosisio, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
Ka-Band Dual Linearized Channel Amplifier for EuroSkyWay Multimedia Satellite A.-M. Khilla, D. Leucht, Bosch SatCom, Germany
Ka-Band Redundant and Reconfiguration Matrix for EuroSkyWay Multimedia Satellite A.-M. Khilla, J. Niederbäumer, D. Scharlewsky, J. Schäufler, Bosch SatCom, Germany
10:30 -11:00
Coffee Break
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 6: Fade Mitigation Chairperson: H. Helmken, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Some Optimum Error Control Architecture Suitable for Correlated Channel by Markov Decision Process A. Nugroho, PT Telkom, Indonesia; E. Indarto, StreamCom, Indonesia
Up-Link Power Control as a Fade Mitigation Technique to Comply Service Availability Requirements of the Interface Air of SAGAM at Ka Band L. Castanet, J. Lemorton, ONERA, France; M. Bousquet, SUPAERO, France; B. Garnier, Alcatel Space Industries, France
Rain Fade Mitigation Scheme for a Regional GEO Multimedia Satellite Architecture P. Takats, EMS Technologies, Canada
Performance of Multiple-Site Diversity Systems Investigated Through Radar Simulations C. Capsoni, M. D'Amico, M. Lando, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
A comparison of Uplink Power Control Methods for Ka-Band Telecommunications Systems D. Nivens, TRW Space and Electronics, USA
Evaluation of some Conventional Terminal Antennas' Performance in Rain at Ka-Band Frequencies M.M.Z. Kharadly, R. Ross, University of British Columbia, Canada
11:00 - 12:45
(Tigullio Room)
SESSION 7: Advances in Antennas Chairperson: N. Kadowaki, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
Developments on Ka-Band Antennas for Commercial Geostationary Communication Satellites at Alenia Spazio R. Battaglia, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy; R. Mizzoni, Alenia Spazio, Italy
Broadband Communications Satellite Antenna Technology for the Emerging Ka-Band Market C. Chandler, L. Hoey, D. Hixon, R. Chan, T. Smigla, L. Wilson, A. Peebles, M. Em,
S. Suleiman, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
Ka-Band Phased Array System Characterization R. Acosta, S. Johnson, O. Sands, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA; K. Lambert, Analex Corporation, USA
An Antenna Pointing System for Ka Band Satellite with Multibeam Coverages R. Collina, A. Pisano, A. Ritorto, Alenia Spazio, Italy
Ka-Band Multibeam Active Phased Array Antenna S. Takatsu, K. Yamauchi, H. Nakaguro, A. Akaishi, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan; N. Kadowaki, Communications Research Lab., Japan
RF MEMS and their Applications in NASA's Space Communication Systems W.D. Williams, G.E. Ponchak, A.J. Zaman, E.G. Wintucky, J.D.Wilson, M.C. Scardelletti,
R.Q. Lee, H.D. Nguyen, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA; R.N. Simons, QSS, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA; C. Kory, Analex Corporation, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
High Rate User Ka-Band Phased Array Antenna Test Results A. Caroglanian, K. Perko, S. Seufert, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA; T. Dod, Swales Aerospace, USA; J. Warshowsky, Harris Corporation, USA
12:45 - 14:30
14:30 - 16:00
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 8: Protocols I Chairperson: P. Chitre, Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications, USA
Performance of Reliable Multicast Protocols via Satellite at EHF with Persistent Fades M. Koyabe, G. Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, UK
Network Architectures to Improve the Performance of the Transport Layer in Satellite Communications M. Marchese, CNIT-University of Genoa, Italy
The Use of TCP/IP Performance Enhancing Proxies for Regional GEO Multimedia Satellite Systems J. Neale, A. Pether, A. Mohsen, P. Takats, EMS Technologies, Canada; G. Begin, Université du Québec a' Montréal, Canada
QoS-Aware Integrated Encoding and Modulation for Ka-Band Satellite Systems for the Internet M.A. Bergamo, BBN Technologies, USA
Global Standardization Activities for Broadband Satellite Systems with Global Focus on ETSI, DVB, IETF and TIA Activities H. Skinnemoen, Nera, Norway; H. Tork, Telia Research, Sweden;
G. Stette, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; E. Laborde, Hughes Network Systems, USA; G. Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, UK
Support of IP Routing and of TCP/IP over Fast-Switching Geo-Satellite Networks G. Losquadro, F. Mazzolini, L. Secondiani, Alenia Spazio, Italy
14:30 - 16:00
(Tigullio Room)
Session 9: Architecture I Chairperson: M. Wittig, ESA / ESTEC, The Nedherlands
Parametric Report of Interference in Ka-Band Multiple-Beam Broadband Satellite Payload Architectures S. Sleight, F. Toth, M. Thorburn, M. Fashano, Space Systems/Loral, USA
Ka-Band Satellite Payload Considerations J. A. Mazzei, The Aerospace, USA; A. Bartko, Defense Information Systems Agency, USA
Emulation of Circuit Oriented Satellite Systems G. Albertengo, CNIT-Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Development Status of On-Board Processing Technology for a Space Based High-Data-Rate Internet N. Kadowaki, N. Yoshimura, M. Nakao, Y. Ogawa, N. Nishinaga, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
On Board Processing Payload Architectures for Satellite Multimedia Services R. Giubilei, R. Novello, A. Pisano, Alenia Spazio, Italy
A Control Architecture for Short-and Medium-Term Bandwidth Allocation in Satellite Channels with Fading R. Bolla, F. Davoli, University of Genoa, Italy; N. Celandroni, E. Ferro, CNUCE-CNR, Italy; M. Marchese, CNIT-University of Genoa, Italy
14:00 - 18:00
(Room A)
IX CEPIT Meeting: ITALSAT Propagation Experiments Chairperson: A. Pawlina, CNR-CSTS, Italy
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:15
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 10: Protocols II Chairperson: F. Davoli, Universita' di Genova, Italy
Resource Management with the Connectionless IP-Dedicated Satellite Access Scheme T. Zein, I. Buret, S. Combes, S. Josset, Alcatel Space Industries, France
Use of Multicarrier-CDMA Techniques for Variable-Bit-Rate Transmission System Over Geo-Stationary Satellite Networks C. Sacchi, G. Gera, C. S. Regazzoni, University of Genoa, Italy
Validation of IP-Telephony over EuroSkyWay Nertwork A. Sánchez, Telefonica R&D, Spain; H. Cruickshank, University of Surrey, UK; F. Carducci, Alenia Spazio, Italy; B. Carro, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Interoperability Challenges for Ka-Band Satellite Systems
P. Chitre, P. Inukai, Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications, USA
Delivery of QoS Sensitive Mobile Services over an IP-Based Satellite Network Complemented with Wireless Terrestrial Components C. Tocci, P. Conforto, G. Losquadro, Alenia Spazio, Italy; F. Fedi, Space Software Italia, Italy
A Service and System Simulator for the EuroSkyWay Network J. Rammer, M. Conte, F. Schlapansky, Siemens, Austria ; A. Pandolfi, V. Podda, Alenia Spazio, Italy
A Generalized Air Interface as a Potential Space-to-Ground Standard H. Berger, M. Bever, R. Jue, TRW Space & Electronics, USA
16:30 - 18:00
(Tigullio Room)
SESSION 11: Architecture II Chairperson: F. Valdoni, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Satellite Communications for Aeronautical Applications: Recent Research and Development Results R. J. Kerczewski, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Payload Switch Control in a Ka-Band Processed Payload C. Hare, Astrolink International, USA
Preventive and Reactive Congestion Control in Geosynchronous Satellite-Switched ATM Networks: Sketch of an Analysis Methodology R. L. Gobbi, Astrolink International, USA
Analysis of Logon Time in Satellite Networks A. Iuoras, EMS Technologies, Canada
CNIT-ASI Project: Integration of Multimedia Services on Satellite Connected Heterogeneous Networks - CDMA DSP Multirate Modem. CDMA Multi-User Reception L.S. Ronga, CNIT-University of Florence, Italy
DSP-based CDMA Satellite Modem: a Low Complexity Acquisition and Tracking Algorithm A. Conti, D. Dardari University of Bologna, Italy
20:00 - 23:00
(Club Restaurant Covo di Nord Est)
Friday, September 28, 2001
09:00 - 10:30
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 12: Ground Systems I Chairperson: J. King, Communications Research Centre, Canada
Conceptual Design of the Ground Segment for Gigabit Internet Satellite Network
N. Yoshimura, N. Kadowaki, M. Nakao, Y. Ogawa, N. Nishinaga, Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
Rapid Pedestal Calibration for Transportable Earth Stations K. Willey, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Flexible DVB RCS Terminal Implementation
J. Gilderson, T. Mascioli, M. Sprigings, SpaceBridge Semiconductor, Canada
Radiation Safety for Small Ka-Band Satellite Interactive Terminals
A. Correnti, Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems, USA
Feasibility of Nonlinear Transmitters for Ka-Band SIT ODUs E. Guetre, B. Kocay, W. Strecko, J.L. Fikart, NII Norsat International, Canada
Universal Type Approvals for Ka-band Ground Equipment R.L. Brooker, Andrew, USA
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 13: Ground Systems II Chairperson: F. Marconicchio, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy
Advances in Broadband Satellite Gateways and Terminals
H. Skinnemoen, Nera, Norway
Aspects of Cost Effective Broadband Interactive Ka Band Satellite Terminal Design T.P. McGree, Raytheon, USA
ESA's Technology Research for Ka-band Ground Antennae Design A. Cozzani, ESA/ESOC, Germany; P. Emde, MAN Technologies, Germany
Frequency Tracking Experiments for the FedSat Ka Band Satellite S. Reisenfeld, E. Aboutanios, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
12:00 - 13:00
(Portofino Room)
SESSION 14: Financing and Marketing Chairperson: F. Gargione, Satellite Systems Consultant, USA
Feasibility Analysis and Financing Strategy in Multimedia Ka-Band Satellite Projects M. Spagnulo, F. Nasini, Alenia Spazio, Italy
Role Models for Ka-Band Satellites W.L. Morgan, Communications Center Consultant, USA
Ka-Band Systems & Services for the Broadband Access Market J. Wakeling, Ignite Broadcast & Satellite Communications, UK
Success Factors for Broadband Satellite Systems R.J. Rusch, The TA Group, USA
13:00 - 13:15
(Portofino Room)
Closing Remarks
F. Valdoni, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy F. Marconicchio, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Italy F. Gargione, Satellite Systems Consultant, USA
Announcement of date and location of the next Conference
13:15 - 15:00